The Month (Already) Has Been Approved: What Can Happen Now


Coherence is probably not well accepted in the Movimento 5 Stelle, as evidenced by the endless twists and turns that are made on historical subjects to stay glued to the couch. And now let’s get ready for another change of course. In which? About him Me. Until a few weeks ago it was seen as an outdated and not modern tool, an austerity trap that would subject Italy to the technocrats in Brussels. But apparently now it would become a convenient medium that our country could not do without. Strange, because the position of the grillini was clear: the “terrible” conditionality hidden would force us to meet a troika at the door.

A thesis confirmed by Vito Crimi last week. The same political leader had reiterated the summary of the 5 Star Movement: “No one has yet shown us that the ESM has no conditionality“And therefore the veto was maintained:”It is an unsuitable tool and should not be used“It is a pity, however, that the rescue fund has already been promoted from the Giallorossi government: someone should inform Crimi that the pentastellati have recognized that, in the end, accessing the Month is not a bad idea. They did so on July 6 in the Council of Ministers. Not in the bar, but in an important institutional location.

That document approved

It was to unmask the 5 stars Paper: the yellow ministers (Luigi Di Maio, Alfonso Bonafede, Stefano Patuanelli, Lucia Azzolina, Federico D’Incà, Nunzia Catalfo, Riccardo Fraccaro, Paola Pisano and Sergio Costa) have approved the National Reform Program with a particular technical sheet that confirms that the ESM has no conditionality worrying. Only Minister Dadone was missing, but still European stability mechanism it was promoted with the unanimous vote of the entire government. This explains the reason why in recent hours there has been great optimism on the part of the Democratic Party, increasingly convinced that it can unblock the practice.

On July 6, Roberto Gualtieri took the PNR scheme to the Cdm: 133 pages to trace the path of the executive in the 2021-2023 triennium. It is written in the country’s relaunch document that Italy can enjoy a series of responses provided by the EU to react to the damage caused by the Coronavirus emergency. An example? The line of credit Support for pandemic crises of the European stability mechanism. To present it, it was even specified that it is a “major initiative“. The description of the MES could have ended in a simple way, but the Minister of Economy and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte would have accepted that a detail was added not only in the technical sheet:”Conditionality is limited to documentation of expenses sanitary direct and indirect, which must be detailed in a specific plan for each requesting country“Suddenly the rescue fund has become a great opportunity, without tricks, without games and without Troika.
