If today they ask us to do mask sex, keeping the distance from the partner (we also hear it on state television), if they tell us that you can attend a sports event indoors in 200 people, but you cannot have a conference or meeting in 20, if they ask us to meet at home in 6 but not in 7, if they tell us that outdoor sports activities can be done without a mask but not motor activities, if they tell us that you can drink alcohol sitting at the table, after a certain time, but not in the counter, if schools close but leave a very crowded public transport, that is why 90% of the measures they are imposing to contain the virus have nothing to do with preventing Covid.
In fact, they are measures that have a strong impact on citizen psyche, they must penetrate all the way. Such measures must be omnipresent, invasive because they must become habits and someone said so: “The chains of habit are too light to feel until they become too heavy to break”. If they were in good faith, they would handle everything differently, at some points even more drastically. But absolutely different from how they are handling it.
They would understand, for example, that asymptomatic can no longer be considered sick people, treated as such. The number to monitor to understand if the situation is really serious or not cannot be the number of positive swabs but only the presence in intensive care or deaths, for reasons exclusively related to Covid. Unfortunately, these are the parameters that would tell us what action to take and if that data really gets worse and becomes alarming, then the only action to contain the virus can only be the total lock. It certainly doesn’t stop a virus by leaving the bars at 9pm instead of 11pm. Certainly, it does not stop by closing schools, but by leaving children free to meet all day in the street, as it should be. You don’t stop it by canceling weddings, but by filling up the subway.
None of the measures proposed today to stop Covid can really stop the virus, but blocking is the only solution that can be implemented if the data and parameters that I announced earlier become really concerning. But the lockdown does not have to mean that Italians ask themselves this question: do I want to risk dying from the virus or do I want to risk starving? The confinement must not cause economic losses, the compensation for all should not be partial and delayed, but the total is immediate. And they can. If they really wanted to insure Italians, in fact all Europeans, they could. Mario draghi, at a press conference in unsuspecting times, he said it clearly: “The ECB can never run out of money because it creates it out of thin air. So you can deal with any emergency “. Textual words of the former governor of the European central bank.
Well, face this unprecedented emergency. Create the money states need to insure citizenswithout tying it to absurd European loans or funds and without forcing citizens to borrow to cope with the emergency. You have the Central Bank that can deal with any type of emergency and this, you say, is an emergency. Act by treating it as such. Also, we are in deflation, so it would be ridiculous to think about the risk of inflation by putting money into circulation right now. Create the money you need. Close everything, if necessary, but compensate the citizens until the end. Only in this way can we ensure that measures to contain the virus do not do more harm than the virus itself, as is happening.
The European Matrix – With Francesco Amodeo