
The doctors return to the sender the words of the Governor of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, who yesterday pointed a finger at the “scoundrels” of health. “We are astonished, astonished by the statements of those who should protect doctors and health workers who identify, albeit minimally, the medical class as ‘scoundrel’,” write the unions Anaao Assomed, Aaroi Emaac, Cimo, Cgil Fp Doctors and Health Managers, Federation Cisl Medici, Uil Fpl Medici, Fvm, Fassid, Fesmed and Anpo Ascoti Fials Medici in a joint note addressed to the president of the Campania Region, who yesterday, during a live Facebook, spoke of “a small percentage of scoundrels who try not to do their duty ”, speaking of medical personnel.
“Those ‘scoundrels’ – add the unions – have been running a regional health system for years due to ‘real scoundrels’ who have raped, destroyed, used health care as an ATM. Those ‘scoundrels’ in this state of crisis cared for thousands of patients on their shoulders despite the skinny and disorganized, paying a very high price These ‘scoundrels’ risk their lives in the country every day due to congenital institutional deafness, and yet they are there and they do not stop. These ‘scoundrels’ have worked until today with a gag from the harsh changes, the feeling of helplessness and frustration and the spirit of self-denial, even more than the garbage decrees ”.
For these reasons, the unions continue, “we reject with force and anger any allegation or accusation. The words in this crisis weigh like boulders, especially if they come from the very institutions that should protect us. Such allegations only fuel , in the way of the All this unjustified, an anger of the population towards the workers who every day, with self-denial, carry out their work, when at this moment it would be useful to instill confidence and tranquility in the population. ”Later, the unions They address directly to the Governor of Campania: “We are tired of the accusations, Mr. President De Luca. If you have evidence of scoundrels, go to the Prosecutor’s Office and file a complaint, we will be a civil party. An apology is not enough, the usual rectification is not enough. Energetically a change of pace. We earnestly ask for different modes of action and thought on the part of a ruling class that still does not listen to those who lose their health and life in the countryside. The patience is over, the measure is full “, concludes the Note.
Yesterday De Luca had thrown the stone during a live Facebook: “There are some pranksters who, in the face of orders arrived at night, lie about free seats so as not to have to do the night,” he said to justify the discrepancy between the beds of intensive care indicated by the data provided by the Crisis Unit and those actually available when contacting hospitals. “It is an anomaly already registered in the past in the emergency room (…) there is a small percentage of scoundrels who do not fulfill their duty. We will go to the end to investigate these behaviors and we will do it with an iron fist.” . Generic accusations that make doctors scream, tired of the propaganda on the skin of those on the front line,