Empoli, November 7, 2020 – Strong concern about the exponential increase in contagion and because of the increasingly difficult situation hospitals, “And dell territory‘Empolese Valdelsa They do not have very different figures from those of the most affected areas of the Lombardy or of Piedmont“. So mayors of the Municipalities ofEmpolese Valdelsa in a letter addressed to the President of the Region Eugenio Giani. The growing concern derived from the epidemiological trend of COVID-19 in the north-central area of Tuscany, explains a note, which includes those productive areas such as the Empolese Valdelsa where the spread of the virus runs faster, convinced the mayors to request a new verification of the data and possibly also the adoption of more drastic measures.
“The new Dpcm – declares the president of the Union of Municipalities Empolese Valdelsa, Alessio Falorni – introduced a differentiated contagion risk regime that includes the Tuscany in the yellow zone, therefore within a moderately acceptable framework for the spread of contagion, this however does not find correspondence in the data for a large area of our region.
In addition – the letter continues – if it is true that the 21 indicators used for the attribution of the ‘risk color’ to the regions, or part of their territories, have a medical-health nature, it is precisely the news and data that come from the hospitals in the area that cause more alarm and herald the danger of an uncontrolled spread of the infection ”.
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