The mayor of Terralba positive for coronavirus: the Municipality closed –


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Ip Servizi Oristano

The mayor of Terralba positive for coronavirus: the City Council closed
A case of contagion also in Arborea

The mayor of Terralba Sandro Pili tested positive for coronavirus. It was he himself who made it known at night with a message on social networks. The Municipality has been closed pending sanitation and now the protocols with the planned health controls will begin. That of Mayor Pili is the first case of contagion in the town, since the beginning of the pandemic.

Below is the mayor’s message.

Given the increase in the spread of Covid in this last period, also in our territory, and taking into account the role I play, which necessarily also implies having to meet many people, although in the total absence of symptoms attributable to Covid, after to share the decision. I performed the swab with my doctor this morning, which gave a positive result, according to the Public Hygiene Service of the Health Authority that I received recently.
Although in the absence of symptoms, both I and my family, I decided to request the tampon precisely because of the maximum respect I have for my fellow citizens, and for all the people I meet daily, especially for their protection.
Both my family and I are fine, no one has symptoms and of course, as far as we know, we have not even recently met people who have had contact with people who have tested positive or who have had symptoms. We stayed in the area and frankly we have no idea where and how I contracted the virus.
This means how stealthy it is and risky especially for the elderly or people suffering from pathologies.
I will communicate to the Public Hygiene Service of the Health Authority the list of people with whom I have had the closest contacts in recent days, who will be contacted by the same service for the subsequent investigations.
Tomorrow the town hall will be closed and will reopen as soon as the entire building has been cleaned up.
Now I have to respect the 14 days of mandatory quarantine, so anyone who needs to contact me can call me at the phone number 348 3300303, or by email at [email protected].

Arborea. A new case of positivity for the coronavirus was announced at night in Arborea by Mayor Manuela Pintus. “The person is fine,” said the mayor. “He is asymptomatic and respects the quarantine.”

Mayor Pintus explained that “the case is due to a close contact that took place in a neighboring country.”

“The Oristano Public Hygiene Service”, continued the mayor of Arborea, “is working on the reconstruction of the close contacts of the person in question, who will be contacted and subjected to a swab tomorrow and in the coming days.”

After an appeal from Manuela Pintus: “We ask, as has happened in recent months, to show closeness to our fellow citizen, to whom we hope to receive the news of a speedy recovery soon. I am sure that as always we will be able to demonstrate community and that each of us will take care, more than ever, to always wear a mask in public places and when we cannot be sure of respecting and maintaining interpersonal distance; wash our hands frequently and never touch our faces with dirty hands ”.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Piroddi Arredamenti
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