The massacre of birds on New Year’s Eve in Rome


AGI – Updated at 1:00 p.m.

Massacre of birds in Rome. There are hundreds of bird corpses found dead in the street, due to the barrels that exploded on New Year’s Eve. The photos and videos circulate on social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, and immortalize, in particular, a section of road in Via Cavour.

Rome: the fantastic result of tonight. The human being never denies himself, there is little to do. Barrels are a must for him.

Posted by Enrico Rizzi on Friday, January 1, 2021

Some images show flocks, usually perched in the trees around Termini Station, flying until they collide with power lines. The videos were filmed around midnight. Dead birds have also been found in other central areas of the capital. In via San Vitale, near the Police Headquarters, there are several bird carcasses on the street.

“The fantastic result of tonight in Rome. The human being never denies himself. The barrels are a necessity for him.” Thus, Enrico Rizzi, an activist for animal rights, commented on Facebook, with photos, the news of the hundreds of dead bird carcasses found in many streets of Rome after the explosion of New Year’s barrels.

They fought out of fear and disorientation from the fireworks explosions.“This is how the Lipu association, the Italian League for the Protection of Birds, spoke about the massacre of birds that took place on New Year’s Eve in Rome.

“There are few survivors – adds the association – unfortunately the technique of disorientation explosions is widely used, especially by poachers. Birds sleep in trees and, at the first suspicious noises, they get excited. Fear causes them to lose concentration and this leads them to hit each other or against the wall.“.

They are less likely to be hit by firecrackers. “We would need a sniper,” the volunteers explain. When they contacted us at 2 in the morning there was already little to do. They told us that Via Cavour was full of dead birds, but I think it will be the same in other areas ”.

“For days – explain Piergiorgio Benvenuti and Fabio Ficosecco, respectively national president and Roman head of the ecological movement” Ecoitaliasolidale “- we have launched in all senses an appeal to Mayor Raggi to ban the use of barrels on time and not at 90 ‘All In vain and as usual, the ban was signed after the deadline when those who intended to use them already had it. For years we have remembered how many reasons justify the ban: the protection of public health, animal welfare and, this year more than ever, the need arose to limit the workload in hospitals, already under pressure from Covid-19 ”.
