“The masks must be kept on the desks, school is a fantastic opportunity for contagion. The vaccine? Not before 2021 “


Covid, Crisanti: «The masks should also be kept on the desks.  The vaccine?  Not before 2021

Virologist Andrea Chrysanthemums, Director of Microbiology at the University of Padua, does not have many doubts: a school Children must wear masks even when sitting at the counter. Among the parents of the Venetian model on tampon handling for COVID-19 in the first phase of the emergency coronavirus, Explains Crisanti. “The masks are useful and they work – she tells SkyTg24 -. If we keep students quiet for hours, it’s okay to allow them to take them off while they’re seated, but I don’t see a class that’s quiet for hours on end. And if one has to speak to say, lend me the pen, pass me this? Do we abolish social interaction in the classroom? Because when I speak – Crisanti warns – I actually make drops, so if nothing else the boys should have a mask available and, if they speak, they should put it on ». According to the virologist, “the capacity to supply 11 million masks has probably not yet been reached” to the school world, the government announced. «We will have to see if they really are More expensive they materialize every day, ”he says. And anyway «the masks should also be taken sitting at desks – reiterates the expert – especially if a guy starts a conversation with another person. At school we talk. School is not just for learning, it is also a social gym for interacting with others. The reopening of schools and the reopening of production activities are a fantastic opportunity to trigger the transmission of Covid. And the only way we have “to control infections”, in the absence of effective drugs and even in the absence of a vaccine, is through active surveillance measures.

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«I don’t believe in a vaccine for the end of the year. A vaccine is extremely complicated and, unfortunately, it does not have compressible times. It is enough to think that the vaccine is administered to people who are well, which means that they must be well before and after ”, then the virologist says.
“Now the problem is that we are all different, genetically by age, by sex, by ethnicity now or even by diseases. Therefore, in general the so-called safety phase of a vaccine lasts about a year and a half, two, just that, because it is necessary to give it to about one hundred thousand people around the world – continues Crisanti – I understand that there is the need and the expectation but I do not want him to take a shortcut, because for each shortcut we take the risk increases or that the vaccine is not effective or that it has undesirable effects. I would say that it is better to explain to people that the vaccine is something we are investing in. and that it has times that we cannot compress. “I think Minister Speranza interprets everyone’s expectations – the virologist Crisanti concludes – it was said that the vaccine would be ready in December, now we are talking about the end of next year, we will see the end of next year I think we will have a certain vaccine, tested, in 2021 “.

Last updated: 13:36

