
Advance the center right. HE political polls Tecnè for “Fourth Republic“ in regional elections 2020 September 20 and 21 outline this scenario: the center-right starts with a 4-2 lead, with ambitions of reaching 5-1. In both cases it would be a blow to the already unstable majority of the Roman government.
#republication pic.twitter.com/lE8tofPKr4
– Fourth Republic (@QRepubblica) August 31, 2020
The region armored by the Democratic Party appears only Campania, where the governor Vincenzo De Luca It is between 45 and 49% with a good advantage over the strength fighter Stefano Caldoro (33-37%). In the rest of the regions, beyond the dispute of the North League of Veneto (Luca Zaia at 70%, without rivals) and Liguria (the outgoing Giovanni toti sees confirmation between 53 and 57%, with the Giallorossi Sansa stopped between 36 and 40%) there is exciting head-to-head with built-in overtaking. In Puglia Raffaele Fitto it is between 39 and 43%, the outgoing governor Michele Emiliano between 36 and 40% (and defections from M5 and Italia Viva weigh).
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But it is above all in the two red fiefdoms where the budget for this round will be decided. Matteo salvini keep repeating what you want to consider
«not political but administrative». In the Marches, the Melonian Acquaroli, expression of the center-right, is ahead (43-47%) over Mangialardi of the center-left (35-39%) and the gap is widened in fact by the separate race of the Mercorelli grillino. Battagli in Tuscany: Giani is still in the lead (43-47%) but due to a stagnation in the Northern League Ceccardi (39-43%), and also for this reason, in recent weeks Salvini has increased his electoral campaign with increasingly frequent raids . It will be decided in the sprint. Last update: 11:47