the magistrates and the “turtle strategy” act towards the Regionals – Libero Quotidiano


Francesco Specchia

The strategy of the turtle. “Do you know the turtle formation? Here, it is exactly the plastic condition of the party in front of this firing squad.” Gian Marco Centinaio It evokes, for the militants of the League, the testudo, the defensive formation of the Roman army (which required hardened shields and perfect group coordination) at the news of three recently arrested Carroccio accountants. And so, transforming the judicial disorientation into a political resolution, the former minister and usually placid centurion of the League, comments on the judicial case – another one – that illuminates the Salvinian world, with formidable fireworks and pre-election timing. We are now in the so-called “Lombardy Film Commission Investigation”. This time three auditors close to the League end up under house arrest, Arturo Maria Scillieri, Alberto Di Rubba and Andrea Manzoni (with the incorporation of Fabio Giuseppe Barbarossa). All accused of having inflated the sale of a warehouse in Cormano, a deep province of Milan.

Dinner, Repubblica and pincer pm: they want to fool Salvini and Calderoli.  The truth about the shed investigation

An accusation that hangs a cluster of criminal hypotheses that happily vanish between embezzlement, disturbed freedom in the process of choosing the contractor and fraudulent tax evasion. Details in the news. And these are details that cross the search for the Grail of many magistrates, namely the mythical Genoese investigation into the disappearance of 49 million electoral contributions. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the “shed system” could be the one used to recycle the aforementioned public funds; And here is the research on money transfers in Switzerland thanks to “complex corporate structures”. The hypothesis of a oiled and criminogenic fiscal mechanism. Which is fascinating, but far from proven. Evidently, Salvini, surrounded by the shields of the turtle, flaunts “full confidence in the judiciary”; and objects to the League taking the money from the donations of the Italians; and underlines that “they have been looking for money in Russia, Switzerland, San Marino, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein for years, but there is none. I know two of the three people, they are honest, correct people and I doubt that they have done something wrong.

And there it is. So, now, every member of the League – especially One Hundred who, as Minister of Agriculture gave Di Rubba an important role – puts “his hand on fire” for the three accountant friends in the cage, “at the cost of burning him. hand”. . And that is why we all wait with anxiety and confidence for the Judiciary to express itself. Of course, perhaps we are strangled by the opportunity, the heat of the three arrests related to an investigation that began three months ago; arrests made just when one of the detainees -Manzoni- had already gone to the Public Prosecutor’s Office spontaneously. And another – Di Rubba – had set an appointment with the prosecutors for the day before yesterday; and suddenly the handcuffs arrived as their steady hands dragged defensive files toward the judicial offices. Of course, perhaps, in a corner of our brain, we remember when, interviewed by Pietro Senaldi At Gregoretti’s trial on October 3, Salvini announced that he would choose Catania as the headquarters of the resistance, to transform it with “acts and debates, into the capital of freedom of opinion.” Of course, perhaps, the doubt even arises that, due to a strange physical phenomenon, there are some very jealous investigating magistrates on the tracks of an election.

“The practice is clear: I cannot defeat you with the elections, and I insinuate in people’s heads the doubt that you are thieves …”, Cien always assures. Very calm. And one says: come on, maybe the magistrates have simply returned from vacation and have only reopened the files. And the coverage of a struggling left that risks losing Regionals even in Tuscany has nothing to do with it. Epper, then, delves into memory. And the case of Armando Siri comes to mind, a bandit for alleged bribes and for the “illicit” purchase of a property in the name of his daughter; and, for him, after his resignation as undersecretary, hatred and investigations disappeared (in fact, the Milan Prosecutor’s Office declared the non-existence of crime fumus in the building).

And then, you overwhelm the “door of Russia” with the mythical Gianluca Savoini The former spokesman for Salvini involved in thunderous investigations that seemed to come from the pen of Ian Fleming. And the “35 suspicious state flights” that Salvini allegedly abused on the Viminale will look right before your eyes. And then, the story of the treasurer Centemero investigated for illegal financing of Radio Padania; and the supply of coats to Fontana’s brother-in-law and serological tests to a company close to La Lega. And again, the Open Arms trial. Dotted with deadly crimes. He has more powers in Salvini’s neck here than Pablo Escobar did in the good times of the Narcos. And after all that, well, you understand why Legionnaire Centinaio is pissed off. The question now is not how many guarantees will be able to flock to the League; but how many more votes can the League lose, by way of retaliation …
