A “Plan for the pandemicWhich does not exist, although the minister read it 11 days before its final approval. A document never classified, although it had a high level of confidentiality. A trivial “hypothetical study”, despite being the Cts that he workgroup of the Ministry of Health were aware of the working group that for days worked on the implementation of the anti-Covid “Plan”.
There are many gray areas that emerged in these months of pandemic: from the elaboration of the document, to its secret still in force, going through the confusion that the ministry makes between the “Plan” and Merler’s analysis. Shadows that now ilGiornale.it You can clarify having had access to confidential and accredited information. The study of Stefano merler, researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, and the “pandemic plan” drawn up by the technicians appointed by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte they are two different things. They are interlinked, but substantially different. What Merler presents on February 12 at the CTS is, in fact, a report composed substantially of projections and mathematical studies. He stopped there and gave no instructions. Nothing to do, therefore, with the guidelines and scenarios that will later be included in the plan developed within the Scientific technical committee. What emerges (more than two weeks after Merler’s analysis), in fact, is much more complex work. Why then, when reporters ask to see the “Plan”, the Ministry and Civil Protection send them the study of Merler? And why is the ministry confusing the two texts? The mathematician’s “study” was only prodromal to the composition of the pandemic plan. Merler was in fact considered the benchmark mathematician of the ministry and it is in this capacity that he presented the Conte technicians with projections on a possible dissemination of coronavirus in Italy. The truth is that his work could not be presented as a plan. Which, in fact, was only done at a later time.
the February 12As can be seen from the minutes of the Cts, the small working group was created within the Committee to prepare the “Plan”. There are seven people at that table. Among them are the scientific director of the Spallanzani hospital, Giuseppe Ippolito, the presidents of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro and of Civil Protection Agostino Miozzo, Claudio D’amario (secretary general of the Ministry of health, Giuseppe Ruocco (general director of prevention sanitary), Alberto Zoli (representative of the Conference of the Regions) and a head of the Usmaf (Office of Maritime, Air and Border Health). Coronavirus Black Book (click here), on February 20 the draft of the pandemic plan ends up in the hands of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. The document provides for actions to be taken in the event of a coronavirus epidemic in Italy, when the beautiful country is still confident that it can control the infection. After receiving the green light from Speranza, the document ends up on the desks of all the CTS members. It’s March 1st. Immediately after getting the final nod also from Scientific technical committee. Hope attends that meeting at first, but then leaves. As it seems Giornale.itin fact, when the CTS approves any document, the minister is never present. And anyway I had already had the opportunity to see him 10 days before.
Already in the first days of March it is clear that the virus, at least in northern Italy, it is completely out of control. The pandemic plan is the benchmark to consider in trying to understand how to handle the epidemic. It is widely used to guide elections. In fact, no one within the CTS feels the need to produce other similar documents. The projections and strategic scenarios are enough for Conte to understand that he must run if he wants to stop the number of infections. These are the days when the Lombardy region begins to clamor to expand the “red zone” in Val Seriana. These are the days when graphic designers who arrive at Palazzo Chigi talk about viruses out of control in the provinces of Brescia and Cremona. And they are also the days when the epidemic crosses the Po and spreads in Emilia Romagna. The data is alarming everywhere. However, that plan remains secret. No one is shown, not even the Regions. It is true that the secret – learn ilGiornale.it – It was inherent in all the work produced by the Committee, but in the case of the Pandemic Plan, this restriction is given special prominence: not only the CTS registers the obligation several times not to take it abroad to avoid “the numbers reaching the press, “but in this case a reinforced level of confidentiality is applied. A secret that will be broken as soon as the group expands to 26 people. As long as it was about silencing seven people, it was simple. But then that cord was broken Today its existence is known, but despite the fact that eight months have passed, it has not yet been officially made public.