The League against Corriere survey on regional in Campania. Molteni: “Can they give us 3%? Demand and 500 thousand euros of compensation”


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The latest survey from Corriere della Sera in regional in Campania from there League in free fall at 3.3% (compared to 19.2% obtained in the 2019 European Championships), but the match led by Matteo Salvini is not there. And through the former Undersecretary of the Interior Nicola molteni announces demand, even asking for a compensation from half a million euros. According to the deputy, who also holds the position of regional secretary of Carroccio in Naples, this is a survey conducted on “930 people speaking on behalf of 5 million people in Campania, 20% of whom say they do not know why they will vote. But for him De Luca’s friends that’s enough to talk about collapse. Plus unreliable it couldn’t be like that. “

The case exploded after a poll conducted by the newspaper appeared in today’s edition of the newspaper via Solferino Ipsos on the voting intentions of citizens in the next regional elections, scheduled for September 20 and 21. Based on the estimates made by the institute of Nando Pagnoncelli (who signs the piece), the outgoing governor Vincenzo De Luca can currently count on a huge consensus: 50.4% of those who have the right to vote intend to support it, while the center-right competitor Stefano caldoro he is more than 20 points behind. Pentastellata Valeria Ciarambino is given at 15.8%. If things don’t change, the Democratic party It would be confirmed as the first game in the Region (19.2%), closely followed by Forza Italia (14%) and Fratelli d’Italia (10.2%). La Liga, on the other hand, is stagnant at 3.3%.

Molteni’s reaction was immediate, according to which his party registers a “great popular consensus” and an “extraordinary spontaneous participation with crowded and festive squares“During the electoral campaign. However, he adds, here it is two days later the secretary bell visit comes a unlikely survey, published on the cover of the Corriere della Sera, which attempts distort realityIn his opinion, it is “a tried, by the wishes of the left, which tries to influence the opinion of the electorate that, like the images on social networkshowever, it responds differently. Just 3 days ago Sole24Ore indicated another survey with the League protagonist in the center-right in Campania. We are not there, we demand and we are willing to defend the League and the reality of the events in all relevant forums. We will request and donate 500 thousand euros in compensation to the Campania hospitals”.

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