“The government must be calm if it does things. Otherwise it is useless”. Teresa Bellanova unknowingly, he recalled the famous “keep calm” tweeted by Matteo renzi to Enrico Letta: In light of this, if only out of superstition, Giuseppe Conte you would do well to look over your shoulder because in an amen you could find the boxes in hand for the move from Palazzo Chigi. Although the prime minister seems to have every intention of give in to the requests of Italia Viva, evidently convinced by the fact that Renzi is not a hoax this time. “The working group on the Recovery Fund text that was sent to us last night there’s no moreIt is a step forward, ”declared Bellanova after the summit with Conte at Palazzo Chigi.
“On December 7 we held a meeting – revealed Renzian’s minister – in which Conte spoke for an hour and 27 minutes on governance. Then he gave the floor to Amendola saying that in 10-15 minutes he would have to talk about the merit. Now the issue of governance has disappeared and we are finally talking about content ”. In short, the Prime Minister has reversed the Recovery Fund and consequently, Italia Viva’s “pretexts” to try to release him could have ended: “Now we are beginning to work in the fund – declared Bellanova – because what interests the country is how resources are used and how to respond to emergencies. Basically we have given our maximum contribution, now we are waiting for the end of the round of consultations ”.