the judges forbid it but Nicola assumes – Il Tempo


Paolo Gianlorenzo

You have to respect the judgments of the Courts, unless your name is Nicola Zingaretti and you always get your way. The president of the Lazio Region, despite a very recent ruling from the State Council, on September 8 (illegitimately) appointed Andrea Sabbadini, director of the central regional purchasing department of Pisana. It was on July 17 when the Council of State issued a ruling that ended the dispute, which has been ongoing for many years, between the Lazio Region itself (led by Zingaretti) and the senior managers who serve in the institution.

In particular, by accepting all the complaints made by the defense of Direr Dirl Lazio, the appointed state councilors confirmed the illegitimacy of the granting procedures established by the Lazio Region that they proceeded, without taking into account the percentage limits established by law. , entrust management tasks to subjects outside the role. Always in accordance with principles reaffirmed by state judges, all the positions assigned to the basic management structures, entrusted to third parties from 2013 to date, are illegitimate and, as such, must be revoked with immediate effect.

Andrea Sabbadini does not have any managerial qualifications and is only a Category D civil servant in charge beyond the limits established in Article 19, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree No. 165 and subsequent amendments, who had been conferred, with effect from January 1 of this year, “the position of executive of the Tax, Finance and Federalism Area of ​​the Directorate of Regional Budget, Corporate Governance, Assets and Assets of the State “with a three-year contract from 90 thousand euros a year.

Not only. Sabbadini’s situation was censored by the ruling of the State Council and therefore he had to be removed from this position, but now he is getting worse by occupying a higher position that could not be assigned externally. All this thanks to another provision against legem signed by Governor Zingaretti.

Those responsible for the procedure, all external to the role of the Secretary General to the Director of Personnel, both with positions censored by the Council of State, did not take into account the warning of the same court and drew up, at the proposal of the regional presidency, the award resolution with possible abuse of office and consequent probable fiscal damage.

The staffing of the regional council management (according to Table 2 of annex C of regional regulation n.1/2002) is currently 266 units and, therefore, a maximum number of 27 subjects outside the function can be present on active duty regardless of anyone ordered.

From a survey on the Lazio Region website, 69 subjects outside of the executive role with positions of management of the executive structures of the council, either management or direct collaboration, were in service on September 8, 2020.

Of these 69, therefore, in service by direct call in the case of direct collaboration structures or selected with public call, 42 are in excess, that is, above the legal limit of 10% of the workforce. That is, there are 42 subjects, salaried as managers, who must be considered in all aspects as additional personnel units.

Not only that, as in the case of Sabbadini, the duration of the illegitimate assignment also exceeds the legal deadlines for the management of the same structure. Executives who are out of their position, in service beyond the legal limit, constitute a certain damage for the tax authorities that increases day by day.

The habit of getting away with the magistrates pushes the president of the Lazio Zingaretti Region to make gestures that should be “condemned” even by his own majority and by those “anti-caste” grillini who pretend not to see anything. Sentences, even if they are not welcome, must be respected. The Court of Accounts, as a result of this ruling, was invited by the Fedirets union (federation of managers and directors) to open an investigation to assess the damages to the tax authorities committed to date.
