“The infections are growing, now we need a new phase”


Hope: infections are growing, now a new phase is needed

“The number of infections with us has grown and now we are in a phase change.” These are the words of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in Che tempo che fa. “The epidemiological picture has worsened a lot in Europe in recent weeks. The number of infections in Italy has grown, but the numbers in Italy are much lower than in other countries. Italy cannot be considered out of this context.” That would be crazy. The number of infections in our country has grown and now we are in a phase change ”, he says.

Hope: “Ban private parties”

Now we are forced to tighten our shirts, the next Dpcm that we are discussing with the CTS and that we will discuss with the regions will have this meaning: it will be a change of gear to try to intervene with measures that are not comparable to those experienced in the past. Specific interventions in some risk areas that allow us to try to control the curve. We must do it immediately so that we do not have to take harsher measures ”, he adds.

“We have an advantage over other European countries but it is not obvious. If we manage to raise the level of attention – government measures, regional measures and above all people’s behavior – we can be in a position to avoid more complicated situations in a few weeks.” “, happens.

“The rules will be in force throughout the country, the regions have autonomy to dictate more restrictive measures. If instead they want to make less restrictive measures, the regions must have an agreement with the Minister of Health who will evaluate it ”, recalls Speranza. .

The launching of specific closures “is one of the hypotheses in the field if there should be situations of special difficulty. At this time in none of the regions are there conditions for targeted interventions,” he says. “Nobody has a crystal ball: the spread of the infection in a month depends on us, the measures and the behavior of the people. To date there are no conditions for any territorial blockade.”

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