“The incidence of positives on tampons decreased.” Orange band risk? “We will know in January, but there should be Rt above 1.25”.


Luca zaia Live today, Wednesday, December 30, 2020, for the latest news on the coronavirus in Veneto. Yesterday the governor was absent from the conference, for the first time since these appointments began, due to the emergency of the earthquake in Croatia, an earthquake that was felt throughout Veneto. The issues on the plate are many, from the anti-Covid vaccines – today the doses of the second round arrived – to the controversy over the numbers in Veneto, to which Councilor Lazarin and Dr. Flor responded yesterday.

The president apologized for the absence yesterday, touched on many topics: snacks, school, intensive care, and also spoke about a possible Government crisis, but it also indicated a positive note regarding the epidemic in Veneto: Finally, the incidence of Covid positives appears to be decreasing compared to swabs performed. Finally, the wishes for the end of the year: “With heart in hand – said Zaia – to health workers”, but they were not only mentioned by the president.

Earthquake in Croatia. “Radioactivity in VenetoThe monitoring is continuous – Commissioner Bottacin said, speaking on the sidelines of the press conference in Zaia – and neither yesterday nor today we have radioactivity in the air. Earthquake in the Veronese area. Three clashes that occurred yesterday were heard – Bottacin explained – ».

Zaia lives today


Molecular swabs performed to date 3 million 276 thousand (+ 17 thousand in the last 24 hours), rapid tests performed to date 1 million 827 thousand (+ 34 thousand), +2986 positive in 24 hours (incidence 5.70%, the national average is around 12, 48%) – for a few days we have observed a decrease in the incidence of positives -, 249,075 the total of positives since the beginning of the pandemic, 90,023 the positives today, the symptomatic ones at home are 1,777 of 58 114 isolated at home in total, 3438 hospitalized today – 3048 (+50) in non-critical area 390 (-7), in intensive care -, 6,410 deaths (+112 in the last 24 hours).


Intervenes Dr. Luciano Flor, Director General of Health of the Veneto Region. “The vaccines arrived this morning and today at 2:00 p.m. they will reach all the offices. From each vial we extract 6 vaccines, before taking 5This is good news, we have a fifth more vaccines. We will vaccinate approximately 44,000 people. Also yesterday all the health companies delivered the vaccination plan, so we are ready to go immediately. We ask for the dissent for those who do not want the vaccine for non-self-sufficient RSA hosts. ‘ The vaccine also to the personnel of the private nursing homes exposed to the infection, will be vaccinated like the public health personnel ”.

COVID-19. Crisarà: “Doctors who do not get vaccinated outside the Order”

Census of unvaccinated? “We send an e-mail to the health personnel that is valid as a summons, whoever presents it agrees,” explained Dr. Flor, “for the elderly and not self-sufficient the situation is different. All are eligible for vaccination, those who do not agree express their disagreement.

Orange Veneto in January?

“In the meantime, it is necessary to understand the terms of the clarifying circular of the Ministry on tampons – Governor Zaia specified -, until today we have remained in the yellow zone by virtue of the algorithm, which the “broom club” did not. The truth is that the parameter of percentage of positives in buffers, and 5.70 is not a high percentage, there are also other criteria, however, to take into account. On January 7 we will have made restriction weeks in the orange zone and with red days, we started on the 19th with the ordinance and the closing of the municipal limits at 14, and at the end we will have made 20 days of restrictions. If restrictions are the solution on January 7 we will see the results. I can’t tell you what awaits us like a girdle – said Zaia – but there condition no and the Rt above 1.25 ».“We have always respected – he pointed out – the indications of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità”.

Coronavirus and Rt index too high: Veneto in orange risk from January 7

New restrictive measures in the Region on the way? It does not seem correct, Zaia replied: “And it is not irrelevant that the restrictions made by the Regions are not remunerated, they do not have refreshments: this is decisive.”


“I have not expressed dissatisfaction – said Zaia -, I only said that when we sign an order we do not refresh ourselves.”

Doubts about intensive care. “The intensive care project in Veneto was carried out in total autonomy by the Venetian health machine – explained Zaia -. We bought the respirators we needed, each station costs about 50 thousand euros, it is useless to continue with this story and this controversy all our lives, is becoming a success“” Every 6 hours we monitor the beds in intensive care – added Dr. Flor -, if we do not discharge anyone we will still have places for 3.4 days in Veneto. “


“The restrictions are a technical and scientific fact, the real issue is that the school is separated from the color of the areas, we will see, because the school is an element of great variability in the epidemic – reflected the Venetian governor -: they are narrow environments and with many people. Starting with 50% makes sense, we appreciate this decision.

Government crisis

Clouds on the horizon according to the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia for the first contand: «A lot of hesitations in the last stages of the government, I have the impression that something is going to happen: you cannot have so much turbulence, at a time like this you need a stable government. If the government no longer has confidence in Parliament, you have to go vote ”.

Best wishes from Zaia

“I will be home tomorrow, as always, with my wife. Once the first of the year I went on horseback, my horse also died … It has happened to all this year … For many people it will be a sad New Year, for me as for you, there are people who fight to keep us alive, as a community we recognize that we have people who work on our health care. I would like to congratulate all Venetians, starting with the unhealthy, not only Covid, and then all health workers, heroes, angels, a wish with my heart in hand, I do it to them , and if we toast, let’s do it for them. I hope that 2021 brings us back to life, the world has stopped, if they had told us 12 months ago we would have answered: what drug trafficker do you have? Think how much we have adapted to changes, think, now it is normal to wear the mask. Congratulations also to the journalists for how they have followed this game. And then I thank all those who love me very much, I will always fight so that those who protest have the right to do so, even if they do so because it is an adverse political party, but it is not done outside the home, pointing to verbal violence (the reference is threats received precisely in this last period by Zaia) ».

Last updated: 14:20

