The Iacono recognized by tattoos


Belonging to Vito Lo Iacono, commander of the The fishing boat Nuova Iside sank on May 13 Finally in the waters of San Vito Lo Capo (Trapani), the body found in Calabria, on the coast of the municipality of San Ferdinando, last June. It is now official. The news came from the lawyer Aldo Ruffino who assists the fisherman’s family. Two small tattoos were found on the body of Commander Lo Iacono, representing a rudder and a seahorse, which the victim’s relatives recognized. Along with the DNA test tattoos confirm that it is the commander himself of the New Isis sunk in May. The shipwreck also cost the lives of two other men, two members of the Lo Iacono family, Matteo and Giuseppe, Vito’s father and cousin.

Body found in June, now identity confirmation – In recent weeks, the Prosecutor’s Office had ordered the taking of some DNA samples from relatives of the young sailor to make a comparison. Today the answer has finally arrived. The prosecutor of the Patti Prosecutor’s Office, competent in the territory, has decided to communicate “that after the investigations carried out by professors Francesco Introna and Pietro Tarzia and by Dr. Alesia Leggio, the body found on June 11, 2020 belonged to Vito Lo Iacono was born in Partinico on February 20, 1994 and disappeared on May 15, 2020. “Initially, after the discovery of the body in Calabria, the researchers had hypothesized that it could be a young man from the province of Vibo Valentia, victim of a white shotgun in 2018.
