The hypothesis of a new confinement is reinforced – Chronicle


Pressing the government for another national blockade. We remain vigilant and ready to intervene where necessary, ‘says Conte. ‘We are one step away from tragedy. We closed everything for 30-40 days, then we will see ‘, says Governor De Luca, who will sign the ordinance with which he will close Campania during the weekend. Lombard President Fontana unmasks: ‘Do everything possible to avoid a new national blockade. Italy can’t stop. ‘

The new provisions for the containment of Covid-19 will cause a further reduction of approximately 5.8 billion euros in household consumption and could lead to the closure of another 20 thousand businesses, with which the company layoffs expected this year from 90 to 110 thousand. The alarm is renewed by Confesercenti according to which in the hypothesis that closures are also imposed for the first week of November, the global reduction in household spending for 2020 could reach 95.8 billion euros even with the return to normal during the Christmas season

The President of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca asks the government for a national closure and specifies that in any case “Campania will move in this direction very soon.” “The current data on contagion,” he says, “makes any kind of partial measure ineffective. It is necessary to close everything, except the categories that produce and move basic necessities (industry, agriculture, construction, agri-food, transport). It is essential to block mobility between regions and between municipalities. Frankly, it is not clear how effective limited measures may be in this context. In any case, Campania will move in this direction very soon. ”

According to the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, the situation of the beds in Campania is “heavy”. “The programming still allows us to endure – he says on Facebook – but with these numbers there is no hospital system in the world capable of withstanding the shock wave.”. “Today we endure thanks to the sacrifice of thousands of doctors and health personnel, but in a few days we run the risk of jamming the intensive care units,” he added. “It is stupid, irresponsible to say that schools should be closed at the end. “ So the governor of Campania. “Faced with an increase in infections like the one we have registered among teachers and students, the only answer that reason can give is to prevent the infection from spreading. The priority is not ideologisms but the blocking of contagion. Decisions are not made in the abstract but based on numbers, “he added..

Heavy situation even in Lombardy. “Unfortunately the line of contagion is growing” Lombardy President Attilio Fontana said. “The virus has resumed violent circulation,” he added.. “Some mayors have said they do not accept the ordinance limited to distance education. I have taken note of this and personally take responsibility for the decision.“: This is how the president of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, explained after the meeting by videoconference with Anci and mayors on the part of the anticovid provision that provides distance lessons for the institutes of the region.

Alarm also in Veneto, 1550 new cases


After the curfew decided by Campania, Lombardy and Lazio, the first regional closure of the Covid could arrive, that of Sardinia. From north to south, the ordinances are multiplying to stop the contagion, not only from the presidents of the Regions but also from the mayors of the big cities, each with his own recipe. And for the three regions that have decided to adopt a curfew, the Interior Ministry has already prepared a unique self-certification that citizens must show to travel out of “necessity.”

CALABRIA- The acting president of the Calabria region, Nino Spirlì, signed the order sanctioning, for 15 days, from Monday to November 13, the suspension of school activities for middle and high schools, and the “curfew” from midnight to 5 in the entire region for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The measure was expected since yesterday, since the news of stricter regulations on the prevention of the pandemic was released. The measure also includes measures that concern health facilities and RSA.
LOMBARDY: Scurfew from 23 to 5 until November 13. Shopping centers are closed on weekends. The ordinance also provides for distance education for upper secondary schools.
CAMPANIA – taken throughout the day the prohibition of moving from the province of residence to other provinces of the regional territory. From now on Obligation to close all commercial, social and recreational activities from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day.
LAZIO: As of Friday, the curfew will begin from 24 to 5, while from Monday, distance teaching for upper secondary schools and universities. The ordinance will last for 30 days. Forever from Friday in Rome some nightlife squares from 21 to 24 will be cordoned off to avoid gatherings: Piazza Campo dei Fiori, Via del Pigneto, Piazza Madonna dei Monti and Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere.
Sardinia: towards the blockade. In 24 hours, maximum 48 hours, the president of the Sardinia Region Christian Solinas should adopt a “Stop & Go” of 15 days for the main activities, with the simultaneous closure of ports and airports.
VENETO: Governor Luca Zaia opposed the measures to stop: “Thinking about stopping the passage between regions is making the confinement. Better the mask for citizens, than thinking about the borders of the regions or the mini-confinements to put your heart in peace” .
PIEDMONT: Green light at night curfew also in Piedmont. The decision was made at the meeting of the President of the Region Alberto Cirio with the institutions and unions. The curfew, from 23 to 5 in the morning, as it was known, will be introduced from Monday, October 26. All non-food shopping centers in the Region are closed on weekends. Only grocery stores and pharmacies remain open, essential items. In Turin close to nightlife: access allowed, from 10:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., only for residents and those who are going to visit them or in public places and only for consumption time at the table and for those who deliver at home. Early closure at 10.30 pm for take-out activities, other than public establishments. The curfew is near for Asti.
LIGURIA: Since last night in Genoa, some areas of the city have been “closed to the public” from 9:00 to 6:00 pm, without prejudice to the possibility of trips linked to the assistance of legitimate businesses and private homes.
SICILY: In Palermo, parking is prohibited for people, from 21 to 5 in the morning of the next day, only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in a large area of ​​the city center where nightlife is especially concentrated.
EMILIA ROMAGNA: in Rimini an ordinance that prohibits the sale of alcohol from 9pm to 5pm in mini-markets and vending machines is in force until November 13th. The mayor of Bologna Virginio Merola today asked his fellow citizens: “To stay at home if it is not really necessary to go out.” I ask you to avoid private parties, to avoid graduation parties, any kind of gathering.“.

UMBRIA- Due to the increase in infections, a part of the historic center of Perugia is closed to the public. This is provided for by an ordinance of the City Council for the days of Friday, October 23 and Saturday, October 24, with the possibility of repeating it until November 13, from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. the following day.

VALLE D’AOSTA: since midnight the red zone for the municipalities of Saint-Denis, Verrayes and Chambave, adopted on October 15th, has expired.
