
According to the latest bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health on the Covid-19 emergency in Italy, 28,352 new Coronavirus infections have been registered in our country, out of the 222,803 swabs made. Deaths skyrocket again with 827 victims. In total there are 1,538,227 cases of coronavirus in Italy. Below are the data related to the increases of the last 24 hours, Region by Region:
Lombardy: +5,389
Piedmont: +3,149
Campania: +2,924
Veneto: +3,418
Emilia Romagna: +2,165
Lazio: +2.276
Tuscany: +1,117
Sicily: +1,566
Liguria: +606
Apulia: +1,737
Walking: +490
Abruzzo: +510
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +864
Umbria: +261
PA Bolzano: +410
Sardinia: +375
PA Trento: +229
Calabria: +468
Aosta Valley: +101
Basilicata: +243
Molise: +79
Even if the epidemiological situation is improving, these data should not lead to a premature relaxation of measures or a decrease in attention to behaviors. This was stated by the ISS in its weekly follow-up, in which it asks citizens to continue avoiding any opportunity for contact with other people and to stay home as long as possible. In the period examined, the Rt index was 1.08 in the national territory. As of Sunday, some regions may change color and move to less restrictive measures: Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria go from red to orange, while Liguria and Sicily go from orange to yellow. Guido Longo is Calabria’s new health commissioner. The new dpcm is emerging: towards Christmas with armored regions and closed restaurants.
The pandemic in the world: The United States has exceeded 13 million coronavirus infections. According to Johns Hopkins University, there have been more than a million new cases in six days. There are also more than a million infections in Germany, following Angela Merkel’s words about the possibility of the vaccine being ready before Christmas. Japan cancels the events of the beginning of the year.
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