
Ranking of substitutes for the 2020/21 school year: the publication is divided into two parts. There is the publication of the provincial rankings (GPS), which the School Offices are publishing these days and there is the publication of the school rankings, which is the responsibility of the Directors of the individual schools.
Classification of second and third level schools
The school directors of the institutes of all levels will proceed with a specific provision for the publication of the second and third level school rankings as far as they are concerned, as soon as they are provided by the Head of SIDI.
The school rankings will be divided into three bands.
- the first band corresponds to the current first band of the school (qualified teachers included in GaE)
- the second group is formed by applicants present in first class GPS who have chosen in the same province, up to twenty school institutions (graduates not included in GaE)
- the third band is made up of applicants present in the second GPS band who have chosen, in the same province, up to twenty schools (not qualified)
The first-tier school rankings correspond to the first-tier rankings already in effect for the 2019/22 three-year period.
The scores and positions due in the second and third level school rankings will instead be determined based on the data submitted for registration in the GPS.
Temporary substitutions
Teachers were able to choose, in the same province of insertion, up to 20 schools to cover brief and occasional substitutions (up to twenty middle schools for each competition class, teaching position or support position).
N.B. In any case, substitutes on August 31 and June 30 who have not been assigned by GaE and GPS due to lack of applicants will be assigned by school rankings.
They are those substitutes that serve to replace teachers in case of illness, pregnancy, sick leave, that is, those contingent situations that cannot be foreseen at the beginning of the school year.
The temporary replacement contract can have a maximum duration until the last day of class (usually different in each region).
Temporary substitutions will be assigned by the school directors, who will scroll through the available lists.
It is not possible to predict a priori in which schools there will be these substitutions, since they are determined by circumstances that cannot be predicted a priori, for example. the illness.
Those who enrolled in GPS but did not choose schools
You will be able to participate in the GPS calls for the assignment of substitutes at the provincial level on August 31 and June 30. On the other hand, it does not participate in the attribution of any substitutes assigned by the school administrators of the school classifications.
Published lists, excluded decrees, calls [Lo speciale]