
Stefano Ansaldi committed suicide. the gynecologist that on December 19 he was found dead under a scaffolding in via Mauro Macchi, in Milan, did it all alone. No robbery, no meeting with his killers, no revenge. The hand that slaughtered the esteemed 65-year-old professional was his, the one covered by a latex glove. do not leave fingerprints on the knife. From there began the investigations of the Carabinieri from the via Moscova investigation unit, who through meticulous work managed to reconstruct a humanly complex history. It is not yet clear why the doctor chose Milan to kill himself or what are the reasons that led to the gesture. In recent days, many theories have emerged, from debt to remorse for an operation that went wrong many years ago. The only certain thing is that there was nobody with him in the last minutes..
The one-way ticket
Ansaldi lived and worked in Naples, although he had a sister living in Milan, he did not usually go to see her. Indeed, it seems that their relationships were no longer idyllic and therefore the hypothesis of a pre-Christmas trip had collapsed in a short time. Furthermore, the woman was about to leave for Campania and therefore the doctor would have had no reason to hasten that trip. Here’s the other dark spot, the one-way ticket. Ansaldi arrived in town in the early afternoon without having the refund in his pocket but had warned the family that he would return the same day, a considerable effort for a 65-year-old man, albeit healthy and sitting first class. I would have had two possibilities: a Frecciarossa at 6:10 p.m. or a night Intercity at 9:10 p.m. The images recovered by the researchers show the doctor still alive and silent after 6:10 p.m., so it is clear that he would not have returned by fast train. So the only alternative would have been the 11-hour Intercity ride, too much for a simple courtesy visit between friends. Then a question arose: what if he had considered not going back?

The murder weapon without fingerprints
The key to everything was the murder weapon, a kitchen knife. It was next to the body, the coroner found it in hopes of being able to trace the killer’s tracks. But there was another element out of place, the victim was wearing latex gloves, like someone who doesn’t want to leave traces. It was thought of a quick visit that had forced the doctor to wear gloves, then the hypothesis of an anti-Covid measure arose. We remember that Ansaldi was an esteemed, up-to-date, current doctor and he knew well that the WHO has reversed the real usefulness of gloves to defend against Covid. The doubts began to take shape.
The fake robbery
Meanwhile, the trail of the theft remained open, although with many perplexities. The 65-year-old man was missing his cell phone and wallet but next to the body was the Rolex, the most interesting loot. If a thief is willing to kill to take his victim’s possessions, why leave a Rolex in his place? So perhaps the murderer took the cell phone because it contained his contact and would have put him in contact with Ansaldi; he took the wallet to make it look like a robbery and to delay the identification of the man and buy time to escape. What would have happened if they hadn’t found an identity card in Ansaldi’s pocket. As if there is an intention to help investigators in this decisive step. Instead, Ansaldi had studied everything. He got rid of his mobile phone and his wallet and kept the document.

In this story nothing is accidental, not even the choice of the place to end it. The cameras show Ansaldi walking around the neighborhood for several hours, like a man looking for something. In the end, he chooses the scaffolding in via Macchi, one of the few points protected by the surveillance systems. The fact is that nobody came out of that scaffold after him.
The alleged killers of North Africa
The two alleged North African killers initially spoken of turned out to be two robbers, yes, but from another man and elsewhere. The confusion arose because 400 meters from Ansaldi’s place of death and a few minutes away, Anacleto Giriolo, 72, had been assaulted. He told carabinieri and reporters that two young black men pushed him through Settembrini and took his cell phone and wallet. Really a strange coincidence not trying to find the connection and that, in the end, it turned out to be just a strange coincidence. The Giriolo robbery occurred after Ansaldi’s death and it is not credible that two brutal murderers were left in the same ring for a coin theft.
The final point of this matter was made by the autopsy. The elements that emerged close all other paths, also creating a certain embarrassment in the many commentators who have transformed Ansaldi’s death into an occasion of political denunciation of the supposed insecurity in Milan.
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