The gyms and swimming pools remain open but have 7 days to adapt to the regulations: the news of the Dpcm


Gyms me swimming pool stay open: this is one of the novelties of new Dpcm just presented by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, at a press conference. Among the measures taken to significantly reverse the trend of the coronavirus contagion curve in our country, the premier highlighted the possibility that these structures continue to function, but with one condition: they have a week to adapt protocols and comply with safety regulations where they are not yet implemented. Who won’t do it in the next 7 days? risk closure.

Specifically, we read in the draft text, these activities “are allowed in compliance with the regulations of social distancing and without any meeting, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Sports Office, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation (FMSI), without prejudice to the new operational guidelines issued by the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 14, of decree-law n. 33 of 2020 ″.

Stay within range sport activities, With the new Dpcm, basic amateur sports, schools and initial training activities related to contact sports are allowed only on an individual basis and no competitions or competitions are allowed. Therefore, it is possible, for those who practice a sport such as basketball, soccer or volleyball, in the context of a sports club, to continue training individually and train with colleagues, avoiding contact and therefore playing “small games “or play sessions with others. All competitions, competitions and activities related to contact sports that have a recreational-amateur nature are suspended. Football, basketball and the others contact sports Now they are prohibited at the amateur level and with the new decree the measure will also affect amateur associations and societies, including therefore schools for children and adolescents.
