THE GUIDE / QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Measures against Covid, Emilia Romagna in the yellow area: what can and cannot be done. The rules for the red and orange zones.


When does the Dpcm take effect and when does it expire?
The Dpcm will take effect on Friday, November 6, and will expire on December 3.

Who decides which band each region falls into?
According to the different levels of risk, Italy is divided into three bands: yellow, orange and red. The yellow zone, therefore, replaces the green one that had been discussed so far. The location of the regions in the different bands will be decided by the Minister of Health, after consulting the governors, on the basis of 21 parameters. But the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, stressed that “the strategy adopted with the Dpcm does not mean depriving the territories, but working together to empower them.”

What are the parameters to “classify” the regions?
Among the 21 parameters that will serve to establish inclusion in a range are the number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, cases in RSA, the percentage of positive swabs, the average time between symptoms and diagnosis, the number of new outbreaks, the occupation of beds. based on actual availability.

What are the official colors of the three zones?
The government’s provision divides Italy into three areas: yellow, orange and red depending on the level of risk. The yellow zone replaces the green one since Palazzo Chigi does not want to convey the (incorrect) message that the green zone can be free of risks and problems derived from the spread of the pandemic: even the yellow zone is, therefore, a zone covid alert. In the evening, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will illustrate the Dpcm at a press conference.

What are the yellow regions?
The yellow regions are Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Tuscany, Molise, Marche, Sardinia, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

What are orange regions?
The orange regions are Puglia and Sicily.

What are the red regions?
The red regions are: Calabria, Val d’Aosta, Piedmont and Lombardy

I live in the YELLOW ZONE (THERE IS ALSO EMILIA ROMAGNA) – National measures

When does the so-called “curfew” come into effect?
The national yellow band provides for the limitation of the movement of people from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next morning.

When to do the self-certification?
With the new Dpcm, self-certification to travel in Italy returns: the curfew will be activated throughout the country at 10:00 p.m. and, therefore, the need to justify the trips themselves will also be necessary in the Municipalities included in the yellow zones, after that time. The form, already available on the Viminale website, is the same one that had been prepared on the occasion of the Prime Minister’s Decree of October 24 and is already usable for the ordinances in force in the Regions where the curfew was established. It is a standard model, which all police patrols will have at their disposal, where citizens must indicate the reasons for the transfer (for reasons of work, necessity and health). The verifications will be carried out at random and whoever does not demonstrate the reason indicated in the self-certification will be informed. Self-certification is also mandatory to move in the red zones (for example, it is necessary for those who have to go to the hairdresser in a red zone).

Will it be possible to visit museums and exhibitions?
No: museums and exhibitions will close.

What are the provisions for the school?
100% distance education for secondary schools: for primary and secondary schools and for nursery services, face-to-face activities but with mandatory use of masks (except for children under 6 years old);

What are the opening hours of the shopping centers?
Medium and large sales structures are expected to close on holidays and days before holidays, with the exception of pharmacies, food outlets, tobacconists and kiosks.

What are the limits of public transport?
The Dpcm for public transport provides a maximum overcrowding rate of 50 percent.

What time to go to bars and restaurants?
Bars and restaurants will have to close at 6pm, but will have the option to stay open for Sunday lunch.

Will public and private tenders be held?
The competition is suspended, except those that are carried out electronically and in a curricular way.

Will slot machines be used?
The “betting and gaming corners” in bars and tobacconists are closed. Hair salons and beauty centers remain open.

Will cruises be possible?
The final text of the Dpcm does not prohibit operating, unlike the provisions of the last draft, in navi ships flying the Italian flag. “Cruise ship services navi Passengers flying the Italian flag may only be carried out in accordance with the specific guidelines mentioned in Annex 17 of this decree “.

I live in the ORANGE ZONE

Can I leave the region?
In Regions that fall within the orange band, any movement, in and out, will be prohibited, except for proven work, health and emergency needs.

Can I move from the municipality of residence?
It will also be forbidden to travel to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, unless there is a proven need for work or study, for health reasons or for situations of need.

What are the limits of catering services?
In the orange areas, the activities of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries, with the exception of dining rooms and catering, are suspended, with authorization for all catering activities with home delivery.

I live in the RED ZONE

Can I move from the region?
In the “red areas”, those with the highest risk, the Dpcm foresees a stoppage of at least 15 days for each movement in and out of the Region.

Can I move from the municipality of residence?
It is also forbidden to leave the municipality where you live (always except for necessity and urgency).

What are the opening hours of the stores?
Retail stores are closed except grocery stores, pharmacies, newsstands; Non-food markets closed.

What limitations will bars and restaurants have?
The activity of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries is prohibited: only catering with home delivery is allowed, as well as, until 10 pm, catering with food to go.

Is it possible to do sports?
Sports activities are also prohibited, including those carried out in outdoor sports centers. On the other hand, individual motor activities (sports and walks) will be allowed, but always and only in the vicinity of the home, individually and in strict compliance with the gestures-barrier.

What are the boundaries of the school?
Presence school activity allowed for kindergarten, elementary and middle school.
