the green light linked to mileage


Movements between municipalities, government mess: another decree will be necessary

The green light to travel in the days of Christmas, Boxing Day and January 1 are almost over. Although limits are established: the derogation could be granted based on the kilometers to travel to reach relatives in another center, or only to neighboring municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants. The announcement, after the “reflection” opened the day before, was from Brussels. Giuseppe Conte: «If Parliament, assuming full responsibility, wants to introduce some exceptions for smaller municipalities, allowing circulation within a limited radius, do so. Parliament is sovereign. ‘
The prime minister, opening the door to an exemption advocated by the 5 Stelle, Italia Viva, part of the Democratic Party, by all the center-right, mayors and governors, referred to the decree of December 2 that is currently being examined by the House , recommending “great caution and attention” because “if the balance jumps, we run the risk of unleashing a third wave of infections.”

READ ALSO Since Christmas, the Government opens to exemptions in travel: Parliament assumes responsibility for it

Conte’s has appeared to be a cunning move, designed to show that it “listens” to parliamentary groups and at the same time discharges the responsibility of easing the measures in the Chambers. In addition, it would have allowed the prime minister to circumvent the “no” of the rigorous wing of the government headed by ministers Roberto Speranza (Health), Dario Franceschini (Culture) and Francesco Boccia (Regions), firm “like stones” on the “no” any derogation, “because a Christmas of” all free “, with dinners and lunches extended to relatives who do not live together, would do more damage than Ferragosto.

But here comes bad news for Palazzo Chigi from the House. “Conte does not know Montecitorio’s schedule and his invitation is impractical,” says a majority group leader, “the decree with the restrictive measures for the holidays is not even scheduled and there is no time to change it: it must be approved, before Christmas, the Budget law and the Ristori decree. In addition, the Senate’s yes would also be needed. Impossible. “

And since the Prime Minister cannot intervene with a Dpcm to correct the decree of December 2 and allow movement between municipalities (the principle of hierarchy of legislative sources applies, a Dpcm is lower in rank than a decree), the government It could be forced to issue a new decree that corrects the current one. “A questionable solution, but there are precedents such as the changes made by the“ Ristori bis ”to the“ Ristori 1 ”, explains the constitutionalist dem Stefano Ceccanti. But in this case Conte would have to go to war with Speranza, Franceschini and Boccia in a new Council of Ministers, without being able to pass the ball to Parliament.

So in the Palazzo Chigi and its surroundings, in the last hours, a way out that will unravel the mess is being studied: insert the exemption to travel between municipalities with an amendment to the Ristori decree that is being examined by the Senate. This would also be possible because next Wednesday the Palazzo Madama Hall is called to vote more motions that will support the relaxation of the Christmas squeeze. Therefore, in the amendment to the Ristori decree would be the expected blessing (from Conte) of Parliament. “But it remains to be seen if this solution is fully viable,” says a Senate leader.
In short, the mess is not yet resolved. Furthermore, much of the Democratic Party is opposed to any relaxation, such as Speranza, Boccia and Franceschini. Not to mention that the Higher Institute of Health issues a real warning: “The incidence of the virus is still too high, we must wait before considering a relaxation of measures including mobility”.

Last updated: 22:25

