The relationship between government and Regions it gets more and more complicated. The lively confrontation becomes more and more accentuated: as the days pass, the different positions between the state and the governors emerge. To further divide the executive and local authorities were those 21 parameters on which decisions are made about the color of each individual territory. The Giallorossi maintain that this is a series of criteria shared with the Regions for many months. But is it really so? What is the treatment of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s presidents? To clarify, we ask Marco Marsilio that, in the interview granted exclusively to ilGiornale.it, illustrated what happens in various clashes with the government.
President Marsilio, in a recent interview you spoke of the “Soviet method” of government. What do you mean specifically?
I am referring to the bureaucratic obsession of always wanting to plan everything, the ambition of wanting to plan the future without worrying about the immediate, the stark distance between a reality that would demand punctual and at the same time timely elections and assembly led to exasperation. and a failed method, as the Soviet experience shows. “
Can you explain to us what is the relationship between the government and the regions, or what happens during videoconferences? And what is the attitude of the executive to the requests of the governors?
“There has always been a certain harmony between the Regions, finding ourselves facing common problems, and in meetings with the government we have always presented ourselves offering unified, reasonable and sensible proposals. Tiring meetings that sometimes last until late at night, but then – when we finally receive something written, a draft decree – take note that the government does the opposite of what the Regions had proposed to ourselves and, in addition, we are called to give your opinion in a very short time. In summary, we can say that we have been consulted but little heard “.
In recent months I imagine that not everything has gone well and that differences have arisen more than once. Was there ever a very tense moment with Conte? If so, what happened?
“I would not say a lot of tension, rather I would speak of a difficult confrontation, many times of different languages between those who live the reality of the territories and their real needs and those who claim the centrality of the elections. I had to write twice to Conte to ask about those powers that made it possible to streamline bureaucratic procedures to create the Covid hospital in Pescara and the G8 hospital in L’Aquila, structures without which today we would be much more in difficulties than we already are. Powers that were then stolen from us and this virtuous and El it was quickly blocked, with the consequences being there for all to see. “
For a few days, Abruzzo has also entered between the orange regions. Do you share this choice?
It seems to me that deep down it changes little. It limits itself to penalizing some categories, I am thinking of entrepreneurs and employees in the catering sector – bars, restaurants, pastry shops – who will have to close their businesses overnight. Perhaps it would have been more. It is advisable from the beginning to introduce uniform and homogeneous national rules, instead of drawing colored chalk.
In recent days there have been many accusations against the Giallorossi government, which, however, has always defended itself by alleging that the 21 parameters to modulate the measures have been shared and approved by the Regions. Is that so?
“The regions shared with the government 21 parameters that were useful to monitor the situation. Only later did the government decide to apply these automatisms, which in practice were difficult to understand. from yellow to red without even the orange step in between. “
What do you think of the fear that some of your colleagues may report biased data to avoid more difficult areas and thus have smoother measurements? Do you have any suspicions about it?
“No, and it would be too serious if someone modified the data. Rather, there is a real difficulty on the part of many ASLs to transmit this important amount of data in a timely and complete manner because it involves a lot of work that is not easy to complete. in the middle of an ’emergency’.
Their stated goal is to create as many Covid beds as possible, but Commissioner Arcuri’s delegation arrived just 30 days ago. Why, in your opinion, did the government fail to act earlier this summer? Did Conte also go on vacation thinking the second wave was easily manageable?
“The government is late and Commissioner Arcuri had the intellectual honesty to admit it. The government should have given us the money to operate immediately in May, when it made the emergency decree, the money to operate, the intensive therapy was empty and in the hospitals could work with the necessary calm in the expansions. We were even criticized by the left for having built the Covid hospital in Pescara in record time and with savings of public money. Meanwhile, the government seemed to be interested only in nightclubs, to wheelchair benches for schools, which have also reached schools that are now closed, and bonuses for scooters ”.
Finally, a question on behalf of the citizens of Abruzzo, understandably concerned about the passage in the orange zone and the numbers of the daily bulletins: between intensive care, outbreaks and new positivity, what is the real situation in Abruzzo?
“It is a difficult situation, an alarm scenario, not only in Abruzzo, it is a picture of a worsening trend throughout Italy that has been registered by the Ministry of Health and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The current council has inherited a situation disastrous, composed of cuts, eliminated services, personnel shortages and the emptying of territorial facilities. Abruzzo was one of the first Regions to have the expansion plan approved without observations. Unfortunately, the recovery capacity of our health system is limited in the fact that the works that we had planned and included in the plan we could not carry out for the reasons I referred to before and this is paid for today. The enemy knocked on the doors again, while I had declared since before the August 15 that we should regret the months that made us lose. We are doing our best, even at the cost of forcing procedures, but we must necessarily hope that and the growth of the slowdown of infections and in that sense I invite everyone to respect the regulations: citizens must wear masks, adopt social distancing, frequently sanitize their hands and limit in any way contact with people who they do not coexist ”.