The government will decide on November 15


the total lock invoked by doctors in recent days could be part of the plans of the government. The situation in hospitals, especially at the level of emergency and first aid services, is increasingly serious, while new coronavirus infections increase, and each bed dedicated to Covid patients is withdrawn from patients with other pathologies.

Thus, the executive, after the Dpcm of November 3 that imposed more severe restrictive measures, would be ready to close everything if the epidemiological curve continues to increase in the next 5 days.

Total blockade of Italy: crucial date of November 15

The situation in hospitals and intensive care units is worrying: the risk is that regional health systems collapse before the contagion curve drops.

If doctors and some ministers like Speranza and Franceschini push for further toughening up, the prime minister Conte It continues along the path of caution, remembering that we must wait for the effects of the latest measures established by the Dpcm. “We have given ourselves a scientific method and we cannot question it on the wave of emotion”said the prime minister.

Date x will be November 15. From that moment I could be there “The actual decrease where the beneficial effects of the last Dpcm occur”, the experts explain. If in five days the last interventions implemented by the Government do not bear fruit all of Italy will become the red zone.

This means that a new national blockade, without geographical differences. In essence, all non-essential movements would be banned in all regions, the list of open stores should be reviewed, and restaurants should remain closed even for lunch. Measures for which it would be necessary, however, new Dpcm, which will be discussed with the Regions and the Technical-Scientific Committee before the weekend.

Meanwhile, today we wait for theorder of Minister Speranza on the change of status of the Regions from yellow to orange, and anxiously deciding on the fate of Campania, which could move to the orange or red zone.
