
From Luca to the Government’s attack on the school: “We wonder what has changed with respect to the last two months, during which the Minister of Education told us that activity within schools would never, ever, be closed. schools. Precious weeks have been lost, and meanwhile infections have increased significantly even in the 0-18 age group. Thus, the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, in the Dpcm. “Also, elementary school kids have to wear a mask in class. It’s frankly disconcerting, ”he added.
De Magistris Attack
“In light of the content of the dpcm, I believe that the president of the Campania region should review the absolutely unacceptable decision to close kindergartens and primary schools that remain open throughout Italy, even in the most tragically affected areas.” This was stated by the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, after reading the rules about the school contained in the dpcm that will come into force tomorrow, while in Campania, for several weeks and until November 14, all schools are closed with the transition to distance education. . According to de Magistris, to allow the presence of the school “in Naples, the open spaces could be used, as well as the high school classrooms that are closed. By organizing together we could guarantee especially for the little ones, so distance learning is very difficult if not impossible.
The new Dpcm and the school
Kindergartens, primary and secondary schools present throughout Italy, with a mandatory mask from Friday, except for children under 6 years of age. In red areas, face-to-face lessons only through sixth grade. The school changes again according to the new dpcm in force since November 6, which provides for 100% of distance education for all secondary schools: the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, who has been fighting for weeks to maintain attendance to school, has mediated to the end, getting a good result. On the other hand, the tests of the contested contest for precarious teachers who have taught at the school for at least three years are suspended: today the tests were carried out on a regular basis but with the application of the dpcm the candidates who had to appear will receive specific communications. To date, about 70% have already carried out the tests and the Ministry assures that the correction of the writings will begin but there are already those who hypothesize possible appeals and infinite lengthening of the closing times of the contest. Meanwhile, schools will in all likelihood remain closed in the Regions where for days the governors have sent all students to distance education: Campania, Puglia and, for middle and high schools, even Umbria. In the latter, distance education even in secondary schools is confirmed at least until November 14, by order of the President of the Region. The deputy of the Lega Sasso asks the governor of Puglia Emiliano to “clarify to the citizens what he intends to do with the schools.” The mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, for his part, hopes that “in light of the content of the dpcm, the president of the Campania Region, De Luca, will review the absolutely unacceptable decision to close kindergartens and primary schools. most tragically affected areas remain open. “And he suggests that” ‘in Naples, open spaces could be used, as well as secondary classrooms that are closed. By organizing together we could ensure especially for the little ones, so that distance learning is very difficult if not impossible The Dpcm – in force until December 3 – establishes that in areas characterized by scenarios of “high severity and a high level of risk”, which will be identified by order of the Minister of Health, the same will apply measures provided at the national level, or face-to-face teaching from kindergarten to high school included, 100% remote for high school students. Instead, it provides more restrictive measures. as for schools in zones – which will always be identified by ordinance of the Ministry of Health – that must be characterized by a scenario of “maximum severity and a high level of risk”, that is, the red zones. In this case, the kindergarten, the educational services for infancy, primary and first year of lower secondary will remain. The teaching activities in the rest of the cases will be carried out exclusively remotely. In any case, the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities is not affected if the use of laboratories is necessary or to guarantee the school inclusion of students with disabilities. For all the meetings of the collegiate bodies they can only be held remotely, as well as educational trips are suspended. And meanwhile, students in various parts of Italy are protesting against distance education: in Rome, students from some thirty schools gathered with their cell phones, tablets and computers to teach at a distance under the Ministry of Education. In Turin, a group of high school students encouraged the “school protest” against distance education.
«The last dpcm establishes the mobility block from 22 to 5. It seems frankly that it is one more measure than against Covid, against deviation, since it does not affect 99 percent of citizens. But the serious thing is that, in the meantime, nothing is decided regarding the tens of thousands of people who, on weekends, Sundays, flock to the walks and historic centers, without work or health reasons, and in the absence of any control». Thus, the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, in a note.
Dpcm, Zaia: “Conte did not talk about the curfew”
“Not all citizens have been given the perception of the drama of the situation, pushing many people, also due to the lack of rigorous and effective controls, towards lax behavior or real irresponsibility,” continued De Luca, who added: “There are also useful and significant measures in the dpcm. But the general line taken by the Government is clear: instead of clearly choosing the line of prevention of contagion, we choose to intervene after the infection has exploded. It is a not very responsible line and, above all, it is not very effective from the point of view of results. With the aggravating factor of this ordeal of provisions, partial and continuous stream, which generates confusion among citizens, division between categories, social tensions.
Dpcm, Andreoni’s infectious disease specialist: “Late measures may not be enough”
Last updated: 21:43