the government report, blockade (almost) inevitable – Libero Quotidiano


“We are doing everything possible to prevent it,” he said. Roberto Speranza. “There won’t be,” he assured. Giuseppe Conte. The topic? the emergency shutdown, a lockout-bis to contain the coronavirus emergency, which now seems out of control throughout Italy, just as it is out of control throughout Europe and the world. A nightmare. Just as the confinement is a nightmare, exorcised and expelled by the government but dramatically concrete. Giving accurate information about it is Fiorenza Sarzanini, about him Corriere della Sera. The hypothesis of a new confinement, perhaps for “only” fifteen days, is concrete. The plan is ready.

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The main problem is the hospital, with some health facilities that are already in trouble. And in this context it was set a critical threshold in addition to that the closure will be evaluated (the term “evaluate” could very well be replaced by “implement”): 2,300 admissions to intensive care. If it crosses that height, the blockage could be inevitable. And, unfortunately, especially considering the growth of the hospitalization curve, that percentage is not that far: yesterday, October 21, the bulletin said 926 admissions to intensive care. Just think that a week ago, on October 14, there were 539 hospitalizations in intensive care, in short, the ghost of a new and inevitable confinement is becoming more and more concrete.

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