Pensions, last News: as reported by Delivery courier, at the moment the Government is reflecting on the possibility of betting on Odds 41 as a measure of flexibility for the Post Quota 100.
On the other hand, the original plans were precisely these: the intention of the Lega-M5S government, in fact, was to focus on three years of Quota 100 and then assess whether the conditions existed for review early retirement requirements (blocked until 2026) by reducing the contribution requirement to 41 years for allbe mens that woman.
However, the change of government and especially the economic crisis we are going through seem to have stopped this project. But the idea of Quota 41 for all has not been completely abandoned: second The messenger, this is precisely the hypothesis in which the Government is thinking in these hours, with the intention of retired workers with 41 years of contributions regardless of seniority level.
It will be discussed at the meeting scheduled for Wednesday September 16, initially scheduled for last week, but later postponed precisely to allow technicians to develop a series of proposals to be submitted to the opinion of the unions and then be able to examine them in the political arena.
Pension reform: Is space 41 for everyone a possibility?
On the other hand, the Vice Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani, confirmed a few days ago that the objective of the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, as well as the entire Government, is ensure greater flexibility in production.
It will not be the only objective; for example, a solution will be searched for one pension guarantee capable of protecting today’s young workers, as well as tomorrow’s retirees, from the effects of the transition to the contribution system, but at this moment, given the approaching term of Quota 100, the flexibility in production is one of the government’s priorities.
In fact, one wonders how it will be possible to overcome the five-year staircase that will be formed from 2022, when those who have not managed to accrue the Quota 100 requirements in time for December 31, 2021 will have to wait until the end of the 67 years withdraw (instead of 62).
The unions for months have had the solution: allow all workers, and thus not only the precocious as is the case today, retire regardless of age with just 41 years of contribution. A proposal that, as we also confirm in Money.it, and of difficult viability (if only for the cost that this would have) and that is why the Government has always maintained a certain closure in this regard.
The news of the last hour, however, is that it seems there may be a opening window in Quota 41 for all, as the Delivery courier. The Government seems to be willing at least to dialogue, to try to find a solution in this regard, which, for example, could consist of a calculation of pension contribution for those who decide to anticipate access.
Pension reform: Contribution 41 for a whole possibility, but the objective is another
However, despite this small opening of Quota 41 for everyone, the Government’s favorite proposal is another and we have been talking about it for a few weeks. It is about allowing the advancement of old-age pension at age 62 (or a maximum of 63 years, if you want to reduce the costs of the reform), but foreseeing a cut – variable of 2.8% to 3% – the amount of the contribution for each year in advance. On average, for those who choose to retire at age 62, there would be a cut about 5% of the pension, with whoever chooses to anticipate the exit from the labor market, who would personally bear the costs of the reform.