“The government let us hire”


Contagion levels remain high in Puglia. The new cases registered today are 301, compared with 4,633 tests for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection.

In detail, the new cases are divided as follows: 154 in the province of Bari, 22 in the province of Brindisi, 30 in the province of BAT, 75 in the province of Foggia, 7 in the province of Lecce, 13 in the province of Taranto, 1 attributed to a resident outside the region (reclassified and 1 case of unknown residence attributed). As can be seen, the incidence in the northern part of the region remains very high, while the pressure on Taranto is easing. Noteworthy is the increase in Brindisi. Unfortunately, even today there have been deaths, three to be precise: 2 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of Bat (here the complete bulletin).

Since the beginning of the emergency, 488,758 tests have been carried out.

5,517 recovered patients.

5,233 are currently positive cases.

The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 11,385, divided as follows:

4782 in the province of Bari;

1060 in the province of Bat;

874 in the province of Brindisi;

2696 in the province of Foggia;

940 in the province of Lecce;

944 in the province of Taranto;

85 attributed to residents outside the region;

4 province of unknown residence.

“We have strengthened the entire hospital network that, unlike phase 1, is operating at the same time, also managing non-Covid patients to whom we guarantee the right to health, unlike what happened during the closure. This is a huge endeavor, which we are facing for the first time. How new is the experience of trying to lower the contagion curve by keeping our entire society open and functioning. This was stated on fb by the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, who also announces new interventions to strengthen the hospital network against covid in other provinces, after the activation of places at the Miulli hospital in Acquaviva (Bari), and in Sollievo della house. Suffering in the Foggia area.

“We ask to be able to hire all the necessary health personnel without the Government imposing economic limits,” continues Emiliano at the end of the meeting between the Regions and the Government on the Covid emergency.

Last updated: 20:13

