Benedetto Antonelli
First were the secret reports from the Scientific Technical Committee that Palazzo Chigi has long refused to make public. Now comes another document that the government keeps top secret. A study in which the consequences of an outbreak of the epidemic in Italy were predicted. The scenario about the fatality of Covid was tragic: between 35 thousand and 60 thousand dead. This text – obtained yesterday from The Republic – had already been made available to the executive on February 12. In practice, almost a month before the closure was decreed. Reason why the oppositions require explanations.
Giorgia Meloni is particularly fierce: «Here is the famous ‘secret document’ on the prediction of the coronavirus epidemic that Urbani, director of the Ministry of Health, had spoken about, but which the government had not released further. Well, on February 12, a detailed study by a (real) expert, Stefano Merler of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, was presented to the CTS and then to the Government, predicting exactly what happened to the events. Merler’s study, as mentioned, refers to the data available in early February, when almost all the registered coronavirus cases were Chinese …