The contagion runshere the current newsletter constantly updated), he blocking is not an option for the moment, e self-certifications they reappeared as in spring. The hypothesis more realistic for now it is a curfew extended to all Italy within a new Dpcm, that nobody knows when it will arrive.
Conte: “The next complex weeks”
“Due to the growth rate of the infection, the next weeks they promise to be very complex. In no way can we lower our guard against the advance of the virus ”. Premier’s word Giuseppe Conte in a video message for the Annual Assembly of Cna (National Confederation of Crafts). “If we do not protect the health of the citizen we will not be able to protect our economy, they go hand in hand.” “We are defining the most efficient and fastest ways to offer refreshment to economic operators in difficulty,” adds the Prime Minister. We are aware that not all the measures taken have acted with the necessary timeliness and that public administrations as a whole can improve their performance. In particular in the ability to help companies quickly, effectively and concretely. ”“ We must overcome the structural knots that have reduced the immune defenses of our economy, ”said the premier. “I call, let us join forces to change Italy, to make it more modern and simple without leaving anyone behind. The doors of the government are always open. The construction site of New Italy is open. We need all Italians.”
The government’s goal is “categorically exclude a new blockade” said the Minister of Infrastructure, Paola De Micheli.
Towards the new Dpcm: narrow yes, blocking no
Accelerate for a national blockade, but try to avoid a national blockade for as long as possible. The road looks like this, and the Daily occurrence, one of the newspapers closest to the prime minister (certainly the least critical of him in all these emergency months). If Volturara Appula’s lawyer on the one hand insists on preaching prudence, on the other hand he agrees on the need to reach a greater hardening. These are hours of processing, evaluations: but how much will a national curfew affect the spread of the infection? the closing of bars and restaurants at least at 9 or 10 p.m.? The newspaper does not hide that there is talk of a confinement in the government, although it is far from making drastic decisions.
The most rigorous wing of the government no longer excludes even a confinement, for a limited time of two or three weeks and with a new massive injection of aid to the economy.
But don’t even count on the times new Dpcm he has still dissolved the reserve, neither with the ministers nor with his collaborators. If the prime minister firmly excludes both the closure and a strong blockade of productive activities, it is inevitable that he will look at the “nonessential”. Thus, gyms and swimming pools would remain in the spotlight, despite the updated protocol with even stricter measures to prevent closure.
It is no coincidence that today the Prime Minister and yesterday the Minister of Economy have found the key to the economy. Precisely the decision to safeguard the Italian economy as far as possible and as long as possible at this time removes the blockade. “The government was able to ensure strong support for citizens, workers and companies in the most difficult moment of the pandemic and this commitment was later seen in the strong rebound in economic activity that we had in the third quarter. Now there is a new stage of difficulties, I do not believe that radical options such as the generalized blockade that we saw in the first phase are necessary, “he said last night. Roberto Gualtieri. “But surely,” he added, “there are categories and sectors that are more affected than others and that deserve all the support, even financial, from the government. That will not be lacking.”
The resumption of infections is worrying and is sweeping away “that cautious optimism that made us think that the worst was over.” A scenario is emerging of “new urgent and restrictive measures destined in all probability to be expanded and toughened and generate harmful effects on income, employment and the very survival of companies”, according to the president of the Cna. Daniele vaccarino, during the annual assembly of the confederation highlighting that the situation requires “timely interventions to avoid in some way a new general blockade.”
Crisanti: “A confinement now would not be decisive”
“If we find ourselves in this situation, the ‘credit’ goes to the technical-scientific committee that has aligned itself with political expectations, and it is wrong”: the accusation is from the microbiologist Andrea Crisanti who intervened in a debate organized by DigitalMeet, a digital festival held these days in Padua. Crisanti stated that a lock at this point would only be partially helpful, but then the situation would get worse again. “Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon are private companies that have at their disposal an enormous amount of data on the movements and traceability of people – he stressed – data that if made available to those who plan social and economic life would be great utility, unfortunately we did not get it “.
Crisanti recalled that he had delivered a document to the Government at the end of August in which he gave the lines to get out of the crisis that Italy was going through: “They did not listen to me – he added – we do not need tampons, we need tampons that allow us to block the positives and stop the chain of infections. That’s why we need more, potentially they were cheap activities “. “Without knowing how the virus moves, a blockade is now only useful to stop the situation – He concluded – but then you will need a third, a fourth, what you need is information and follow-upOtherwise we will continue sailing in a stormy sea without ever landing ”.
“It’s not like March: that’s why”
It is not like in spring, the blockade that Italy closed for weeks is not around the corner. “The situation compared to March is completely different, because in March we suffered a pandemic wave without warning and doing nothing because we did not know that this series of infections was hatching. Now we see the infections, we are registering them and we try to control them.” . Therefore, in progress, at Sky TG24, the adviser of epidemiologists for health of the Puglia region, Pier luigi lopalco. “Now,” he added, “we know well that infections must be controlled but only the Health Department cannot do it because it is not possible, we must take so-called non-medical measures, such as social distancing, masks and confinement. Even before waiting for the Government decision. All Italians must realize that the situation is critical and must limit personal contacts to a minimum. We must behave individually and spontaneously as if we were locked up. “
From the Apulia of Lopalco to the Veneto of Zaia, the chorus is the same. “There are no lockdowns or strong actions in Veneto,” says the president of the Veneto Region Luca zaia who announces that he will soon make “a sustainable and practicable ordinance on other fronts, which do not concern work or companies, and which will affect the public health front that we consider fundamental.” Zaia adds that it is likely that “today there will be a confrontation with the Government, it is not well understood on what issue, if in view of next measures.”
The final decision on #emergency shutdown the #nolockdown it must be taken no later than Tuesday night after two days of parliamentary debate in which the government explains to the country the precise health emergency measures that it can really commit to. # 24ottobre
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– Marco Cappato (@marcocappato) October 24, 2020
Towards the new Dpcm: risk is a curfew throughout Italy