The government has been studying the new adjustment since January 7. Reinforced yellow zone and weekend closures: here are the hypotheses


The first data of the year on the coronavirus infection in Italy are not good. The risk is that of a new peak. And so, in view of January 7, when Italy returns to the risk band system, with relative anti-Covid restrictions differentiated by region, the government is working on a new tightening. The areas of the country that will return to the yellow zone will also be subject to stricter measures than those implemented in November, with the launch of the three-speed lock. Not only. At the same time, the government is evaluating a modification of the criteria that place a Region in a higher risk range, with the aim of facilitating the passage to the orange and red zone.

The extension of the travel ban

On the first front, it reports the Corriere della Sera, the hypothesis on the table is to keep in force throughout Italy, and therefore also for the Regions that would turn yellow as of January 7, some of the measures implemented for the holidays. Translated: at least until January 15, bars and restaurants may also be closed for lunch. Nor is the extension of travel restrictions excluded: even in the yellow zone, therefore, the prohibition to leave the Region itself, or even the Municipality of residence, could be maintained, net of the exceptions that we already know. This for at least a week, pending the expiration of the current Dpcm, set for January 15.

A national red zone on weekends.

In the background, it informs Republic, the alternative hypothesis of a national red zone on holidays and pre-holidays still stands. On weekends, bars, restaurants, shops, shopping centers would close and non-essential trips would be banned. The instrument could be that of a bridging ordinance, leading to the expiration of the Dpcm currently in force. The alternative is to advance the new Dpcm until January 7.

Modification of the Rt thresholds

On the second front, regarding the modification of the evaluation criteria, work is being done on a retouching of the thresholds of the Rt index -which measures the transmissibility of the infection- useful to determine the passage in the orange or red zone of the Regions . Currently, the orange zone clicks with a Rt of 1.25, the red one of 1.5. According to what it reports Republic, these thresholds could be lowered by 0.25 and therefore to 1 and 1.25 respectively. Based on the latest available data, the orange zone would be at risk, but Calabria, Liguria and Veneto would be projected towards the red. Basilicata, Lombardy, Puglia and, a week later, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche are also in danger.

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