A “cake” of more than 196 billion, 125 pages of addresses and projects, a kind of map to orient yourself in the Mare magnum of the Recovery Fund. Or, in the words of Giuseppe Conte, a “clear, shared and courageous vision of the future of the country.” In the course of a decidedly hectic day (which ended with the positivity of the Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese), a draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is materialized on the table in the Cdm of Palazzo Chigi.
At the political level, the definitive framework has not yet been found, but the text describes the objectives, reforms, implementation, monitoring of the plan and the evaluation of the economic impact in four parts. This is the most important front: 196 billion could come from Brussels divided as follows: 48.7 for digitization and innovation, 74.3 for green revolution and ecological transition, 27.7 for infrastructure for sustainable mobility 27.7, 19.2 education and research, 17.1 to gender equality and 9 billion to health.
For the time being, an Executive Committee, made up of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Economic Development, would be confirmed, which “will supervise the implementation of the Pnrr with tasks of direction, coordination and control.” According to what has been explained, the triumvirate will report periodically to the Chambers, transmitting a report “quarterly” and will direct and coordinate the activity of the Mission Managers, who are obliged to “adapt their activities to the indications of the Committee, to which they periodically report »Regarding the schedule.
From an economic point of view, thanks to the expansionary effects of the Plan at the end of 2026, GDP would be 2.3 percentage points higher than the baseline scenario. And again: faced with the need to “concentrate available resources to reduce the tax burden on average income as a priority”, the government with the NRP is ready to intervene in favor of workers (both salaried and self-employed) approximately between 40 and 60 thousand euros, or the band that “today suffers from excessive tax levels with respect to the income obtained.”
In the draft there is also space for the confirmation of the extension of the Superbonus (currently scheduled until December 2021) and for the creation of a Center for Research and Development in Cybersecurity. And if tomorrow the government’s green light can reach the Recovery Plan, the Prime Minister tries to lead the way: “To get out of this crisis and bring Italy to the frontier of European and world development, a clear, shared and brave for the future of the country, it is about turning the page from the past ». Conte in the premises of the draft of the text speaks of investments” in the beauty of Italy “claiming the work done (” It is the result of our efforts, we believed in him “), finally sending a message to Parliament:” For the success of the Recovery Plan, everyone’s contribution. “