Month, Month, Month: Giuseppe Conte’s bombing is now daily.
The leader of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti has ordered everyone, starting with the ministers and presidents of the Region. And every day comes a barrage of urgent messages, not to mention ultimatums, addressed to Sister Tentenna at Palazzo Chigi. Just yesterday, to say the least, the Ministers Provenzano and Boccia (considered, especially the latter, very pro-grillini) and also the Governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini made themselves heard. “But how do you give up another $ 36 billion to rebuild health care?” Boccia invites the Five Stars to “put ideologies aside” and urges: “The Month must be requested before the end of the year.” And Provenzano, minister of the South, insists: “Common sense must prevail: investments in the health sector cannot be postponed, we absolutely need them.”
The pressure has become even more urgent since it became clear that the arrival of European funds envisaged by the Recovery plan risks slipping dangerously, thanks to obstacles posed by “sovereign” countries, starting with Hungary. It is even estimated that the launch of the program may not be unlocked until the fall of 2021. The alibi behind which the Prime Minister has covered so far, in short (“With all the money that will come to us from the Recovery Fund, the Month is needed “) is disappearing like snow in the sun: the money from the health loan is needed, and quickly. Also because – as Economy Minister Gualtieri points out to Conte each time – the cost of this debt is much lower than that of ordinary debt, and it would mean a saving of several hundred million euros a year. And for a country now burdened with overwhelming debt (up to 160%) and sustainable only by the continued purchases of the ECB, and with its dangerously empty coffers, access to such a convenient line of credit is indispensable. The same message also arrived yesterday from the governor of the Bank of Italy Visco, to the satisfaction of the Nazarene. In addition, the Democratic note, the pentastellate not per month is unfounded: the “conditionalities” agitated as a spectrum do not exist, while they exist and are very heavy for the Recovery Fund. It is no coincidence that Conte, to meet the demands of the EU, has had to announce (without a sigh from the grillini) the cancellation of Quota 100, devastating for social security accounts and also the review of bankruptcy income of citizenship: the only two “Reforms” of his first government, both rejected in Europe.
The premier does not ignore it, he knows that as the Anglo-Saxons say “beggars cannot choose” (beggars cannot be picky) and if it were up to him he would have already asked for access to the Month. But to keep his sponsors good, Grillini, not yet weakened by the electoral extinction, he got into a trap by announcing that any election about the Month would go through Parliament. And now he fears that in a possible parliamentary vote the numbers and the majority balance will skyrocket. At home, the Democrats are skeptical: “Obviously there will be some flag votes against a pro-Mes resolution – explain those who did the calculations in the Senate – but rest assured: no one in the M5 house would dream of taking the risk of doing blow up the government and endanger the legislature, and especially the salary. And with the votes coming from the center-right, the defections from the Grill would be covered to a great extent. But Conte also fears his own shadow “.