It is a mystery about the discovery of a giant. blanket half a ton, ended up in the shallow waters of the small port of Cala a Palermo. The huge specimen, which weighs more than 450 kg, was seen yesterday afternoon. A protected species, the manta ray, also called the sea devil (M. mobular) and half dead, was hoisted on the pier, according to the images published on social networks by Blog Sicilia, thanks to the crane of the firefighters who intervened immediately. in the place. How he came to swim in those waters is a mystery.
The giant manta ray rescued from bathers: it was trapped in the fishermen’s net
The hypothesis
For the moment, in fact, although the first analyzes of the carcass have begun at the Palermo Zooprophylactic Institute, the hypothesis that it may have been dragged by a fishing boat seems the most probable. «This species, related to sharks, explains biologist Valentina Braccia, is present, although increasingly rare, also in our Mediterranean. The death of such a large specimen, he concludes, is a serious loss.