If the North loses more gross domestic product, it is the South that pays the highest price in terms of employment. Every closing month it cost almost 48,000 million euros, 3.1% of Italian GDP. Of these, more than 37 are paid by the Center-North (3.2% of GDP) and almost 10 weigh on the South (2.8% of GDP). But the South has paid a very expensive bill, especially on the labor front.
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In the first three quarters of this year, the drop in jobs was 4.5%. It means that 280,000 southerners have joined the ranks of the unemployed (-8% youth employment), not counting that “gray” area, excluded from protections: irregular workers, those completely in black, the precarious. An audience of almost 2 million people, of which only a few have probably had access to the income of citizenship. In short, the one drawn by Svimez in his annual report, presented yesterday by President Adriano Giannola and illustrated by CEO Luca Bianchi, is a country in which the gaps have not only not diminished, but on the contrary it is likely that increase in the near future. While it is true that the fall in GDP in the south will be somewhat more contained than that in domestic product in the north (9% versus 9.8%), it is equally true that next year the “rebound” will mainly benefit the northern regions . For 2021, Svimez expects GDP to grow 1.2% in the South and 1.4% in 2022, while in the Center-North 4.5% in 2021 and 5.3% the following year.
However, more optimistic forecasts if we take into account the effects of the Budget Law, which will be seen especially in 2022. Thanks mainly to the 30% reduction in work, GDP would increase in 2022 by 2.5%, around a point more than expected regardless of the maneuver. But the fact is that the recovery will be marked by the reopening of a strong differential between the two macro areas. In addition, as we said, the “gray” area of the submerged also affects a very significant drop in household disposable income (-6.3%) that is transmitted to private consumption with a contraction that should approach ten percentage points (-9.9%, almost one point less than in July).
The gaps were said to remain and widen. Just flip through the pages of Svimez’s extensive report. There are data on current health spending per capita, leading to define the South as “a red zone already before the pandemic. Without considering the statistics of school gaps. The percentage of full time in primary school is 16% in the south, 46.1% in the center-north with an Italian average of 35.4%. And the continued closure of schools runs the risk of widening the gaps in education even further. In the south, children between 6 and 17 years old who live in families where computing devices are not available are 19% compared to the Italian average of 12.2% and the percentage rises to 34% if neither of the parents of the family has gone beyond school. of the obligation. “We,” said Svimez president Giannola, “need to run Napoli together with Milan, and not sacrifice one for the other.” Peppe Provenzano, minister for the South, who comes from Svimez, has promised that between the Structural Funds and the Recovery Funds, for the South there will be “a total of 140 billion in the next 7 years”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who also participated in the presentation of the report, announced that among the recovery projects there will be “an Agritech pole for the development of technologies in the agri-food sector” in Naples. And he added that European funds will also be used to guarantee full time in school throughout the national territory. The consideration, made by Svimez, remains that the pandemic “was not a level”. In fact, the gaps for now have increased.