On Wednesday, the four MEPs who left the 5-Star Movement on December 3 joined the Green group. To communicate the entry of Rosa D’Amato, Piernicola Pedicini, Ignazio Corrao and Eleonora Evi in the Verdi / ALE delegation was the same group through its social channels where, welcoming the four Italian MEPs, wrote: “We do not see It is time to work with you on social justice, human rights and climate policy! ”
BREAKING: Today our Group is expanding! We have 4 new Italian MEPs joining the Greens / EFA Group. ????????
welcome @EleonoraEvi, @ignaziocorrao, @ rosadamato634, @PediciniEu! ????
We look forward to working with you on social justice, human rights, and climate policy! pic.twitter.com/9jEzY57w9F
– Greens / ALE in the EU Parliament ???? (@VerdesEFA) December 9, 2020
D’Amato, Pedicini, Corrao and Evi, considered the MEPs closest to the “radical” wing of the Movement led by Alessandro Di Battista, had written in a joint note that they were leaving the Movement “to continue their electoral program, repeatedly neglected by the ambiguous attitude imposed in the last year by the M5S itself ».
Tensions within the movement group had increased after the approval of the common agricultural policy (CAP) of the next budget in the European Parliament: the four MEPs had voted against the subsidy program contrary to the party’s indication, considering it too not very ambitious. After the confrontation in the PAC, the head of delegation Tiziana Beghin had hinted at possible expulsions of the dissidents, who had not ruled out the possibility of leaving the group.
As rebuilt by EURACTIV, the four parliamentarians have been in talks with the Green group for some time to join the delegation. In the past, the entire M5S delegation had had several contacts with the Greens, very skeptical especially about the control that Davide Casaleggio had over the party and about his past alliance with far-right parties, from the League to Nigel’s UKIP Farage.
In the last legislature, some MPs who had left the party also joined the parliamentary group, dominated by the German Greens, such as the former M5S MEP Marco Affronte.