the forecast for Monday, September 21, 2020


Goodbye to the summer heat, the first autumn storms are approaching. Civil Protection today issued a warning of adverse weather conditions for tomorrow, Monday, September 21, and for the next 24-36 hours in Lazio, including Rome. In fact, rainfall is expected to be predominantly stormy, with phenomena accompanied by heavy rain, frequent electrical activity, local hail, and strong gusts of wind.

The Regional Functional Center carried out the assessment of the Alert / Criticality Levels and therefore sent a bulletin with a yellow alert of hydrogeological criticality and hydrogeological criticality for thunderstorms in all Lazio alert areas: Coastal basins of the north, Middle Tevere Basin, Rieti Apennines, Roma Basins, Aniene, South Coast Basins and Liri Basin.

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“The Permanent Operations Room of the Lazio Region issued the alert of the Regional Civil Protection System and invited all the structures to adopt all the competence requirements – read a note – finally, it is recalled that for each emergency the population can be they refer to the municipal civil protection structures to which the Regional Operations Room will guarantee constant support ”.
