the forecast for Monday, August 31, 2020


Weather in Rome and Lazio with wind and rain with orange alert. The Department of the Civil Protection Department has issued a Meteorological Warning that foresees scattered rains in Lazio from the early morning of Monday, August 31, 2020, and for the following 12-18 hours, predominantly downpour or storm. The phenomena could lead to heavy showers, frequent electrical activity and strong gusts of wind.

From the end of the morning, also on Monday, August 31, 2020, and for the next 12-18 hours, strong winds to hurricanes are also possible from the north quadrants. Marine storms along the exposed shores.

Based on the expected phenomena, the current climatic situation and the state of soil saturation, the Regional Functional Center evaluated the Alert Areas of the Region:

Wind risk: yellow alert in zones A (northern coastal basins), D (Rome), F (southern coastal basins).

Hydrogeological orange alert of hydrogeological and hydraulic criticality in Zone A (Northern Coastal Basins), D (Rome).

Hydrogeological yellow alert in Zones B (Middle Tiber Basin), C (Rieti Apennines), E (Aniene), F (Southern Coastal Basins); G (Liri basin).

Orange hydrogeological alert for electrical storms in Zone A (Northern Coastal Basins), D (Rome).

Yellow hydrogeological alert for electrical storms in Zones B (Middle Tevere Basin), C (Rieti Apennines), E (Aniene), F (South Coast Basins); G (Liri basin)

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An Alert of the regional civil protection system (Bulletins, Notices, Alerts, Alert Zones belonging to the different Municipalities of the Lazio Region) was also issued.
