The flu vaccine is underway, citizens: “Let’s do our part”


Piacenza Expo

October 12, 2020

The race for the flu vaccine started this morning, October 12, also in Piacenza. This year, according to experts, the vaccine is more useful than ever to distinguish the symptoms that link seasonal flu with Covid-19 and allow for faster and safer diagnoses. The clinics were moved from piazzale Milano and Piacenza Expo, to avoid crowds. Citizens showed up in large numbers, but with an appointment already scheduled. “I am a blood donor and I decided to join this campaign to do my part – explains a young man – I think it is also useful for the most fragile people around us”. A 75-year-old man in the waiting room agrees: “With the ongoing pandemic we must prevent and protect ourselves. There is also the risk that the two pathologies arise at the same time with damages that we can imagine, especially for the elderly and frail ”.

For several weeks there has been a boom in applications, so much so that the Emilia Romagna region has increased its availability by 20 percent compared to 2019, anticipating 93 thousand doses. The flu vaccine, this year, given the current health emergency, is free from the age of 60. There are two types of vaccines: the tetravalent strain A and B intended for ages between 6 months and 65 years and the adjuvant (capable of further stimulating immune responses) for those over 75 or over 65 with pathologies.
At first the Ausl will give priority to the free vaccine.

The pneumococcal vaccine is now available (protects only against bacterial pneumonia), free from the age of sixty-five and for chronic patients of all ages.

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Chronicle Piacenza

