The flu shot is ready on Monday


by Matteo Bellinazzi

Officially presented on “Vaccination campaign against influenza and pneumococcus 2020/21” of the Local Health Authority of Ferrara that for the occasion met with journalists, in addition to the Company Management, the Management of the Department of Public Health, the Directorate of Socio-Health Activities, the references of Family Physicians ( Fimmg, Snami) and free choice pediatricians (FIMP).

“A particularly important campaign this year,” says CEO Mónica Calamai, who opened the sequence of interventions at the press conference and finally began the vaccination campaign, which will begin on Monday, October 12, vaccinating herself first.

Giuseppe Cosenza, Director of the Department of Public Health, Annalisa Califano, Public Hygiene Unit, Francesco Levato di Fimmg, Aldo Vinattieri, Secretary of Fimp – Free Choice Pediatrician, Annamaria Ferraresi, District Management, Marika Colombi, Nursing Directorate took the Word and Technique, Franco Romagnoni, Management of socio-sanitary activities

“We have gathered around a table – explains Calamai – all the actors who are very committed to making it possible for our Region to be one of the first to act to stop the spread of influenza and pneumonia in the coming winter season. A campaign that this season becomes even more important due to the pandemic context in which we live and the high risk rate of the population of our territory, which makes the province of Ferrara the oldest in Emilia-Romagna ”.

Therefore, it is essential to convey the message of the importance of influenza vaccination also in an anti-covid key to convince as many people as possible to get vaccinated.

To give it more space than in previous years, the campaign was anticipated and scheduled in the months of October-November-December, in order to guarantee the highest level of adherence in safety.

“The usefulness of this vaccine to contrast the spread of the pandemic – explains Giuseppe Cosenza – is based on simplifying the diagnosis and management of suspected cases and reducing the possible cases of co-circulation of both viruses in the same subject. This makes it possible to recognize and intervene earlier and relieve hospital wards, which have been under intense pressure for months ”.

For this campaign, the Ferrara Local Health Authority has 96,300 doses of 1.2 million distributed throughout the Region (+ 20% compared to last season), which can be implemented in case of increased demand.

The offer of vaccination to high-risk people of all ages will also be strengthened and people aged 60 years and over, with or without chronic diseases, will also be able to use it for free; women who are pregnant at the beginning of the epidemic season; doctors and health personnel of the health, socio-health and social assistance structures; subjects hospitalized in long-term care facilities; relatives and contacts of high-risk people; subjects involved in public services of primary collective interest; farm and slaughterhouse personnel; volunteers from the social and health sector and blood donors.

The vaccine should be ordered from your family doctor, to whom Ausl has provided the necessary supplies for fragile patients. 81,500 doses of vaccine have already been distributed in general practitioners’ clinics, represented on this occasion by Francesco Levato, who specified “the organization of ‘ad hoc’ days to vaccinate his patients.”

So where is the vaccine made? “The GP – clarifies Levato – will contact his patients in the most appropriate ways to promote maximum adherence and will plan the vaccination activity through regulated access, by appointment, in collaboration with the nursing staff. To facilitate compliance with the distancing, additional spaces were also granted in the health houses and hospitals of the province ”.

Vaccines aimed at health personnel are also of paramount importance “so – explained Marika Colombi in conclusion – the Ausl of Ferrara has planned the vaccination schedule for health personnel combined with serological screening and / or NF swabbing, guaranteeing the possibility that each employee has access to a facilitated pathway to carry out the flu vaccine. In hospitals, itinerant teams have been formed that will go to hospitalizations to perform screening and at the same time offer vaccination, while in hospitals, Health homes will have clinics dedicated to the implementation of the influenza vaccine at the same time as the screening, in order to guarantee the adherence of the largest number of employees ”.
