the five candidate regions for closure


Editorial Board
November 4, 2020 4:50 AM

The new Dpcm with the “soft” blockade of the regions was signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The announcement arrived after midnight but the text has not yet been published in the Official Gazette: it will go into effect tomorrow, November 5, and will last until December 3. All this occurs while the Civil Protection bulletin reports 28,244 new cases (yesterday 22,253) while the increase in victims is more marked: there are 353 in 24 hours (yesterday 233), never so many since May 6. Those approaching the 2,300-bed occupied threshold set to still be manageable are of concern.

What’s in the new Dpcm

The signing came at the end of a struggle between the government and the regions, with the publication of the draft in the afternoon while meetings with local authorities were still being held. The president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, opposed the closure until the end but his territory ended in the “red band”. In the end, therefore, Italy is actually divided into three zones: the red zone, the orange zone (or yellow, according to the latest news) and the green zone. The red zones, Corriere della Sera explains today, are those characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and a high level of risk. And the controls? They can only be a sample, says the Interior Ministry. These areas are characterized by:

  • Entry ban: “Any movement in and out of the territories, as well as within the same territories, except motivated movements is prohibited.” It will be possible to enter and leave a red zone only for work, health or emergency reasons that must be justified through the self-certification form;
  • Closing of shops, except food, tobacconists, kiosks, pharmacies and parapharmacies; Contrary to what was written yesterday in the draft, hairdressers, barbers and beauticians remain open;
  • All school activities are carried out remotely but there is the possibility of holding workshops and other specific school activities;
  • All sports activities are suspended but motor activity is allowed;

In the red areas, all restrictions also apply in the orange and green areas. Orange areas are those “characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk”. In them:

  • “Any movement in and out of the territories is prohibited, except motivated movements”; the movements necessary to guarantee face-to-face teaching are allowed;
  • “Any movement by public or private means of transport in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited”;
  • “Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries are closed, with the exception of dining rooms and catering. Only catering with home delivery is allowed” and “catering to take away until 10pm, with prohibition of consumption in place or in adjacency “;
  • The Ministry of Health monitors the situation on a weekly basis every week and issues ordinances every 15 days;

In the orange (or yellow) areas, the restrictions established in the green areas also apply; Green areas are characterized by:

  • curfew at 10 pm;
  • National, regional and provincial buses and means of transport have a capacity of 50%.
  • Distance education is provided for all secondary schools;
  • in primary and secondary schools, face-to-face activities are provided with a mask;
  • Bars close at 6pm, cinemas, exhibitions and museums are closed, all competitions are suspended, and shopping centers are closed on weekends.

The draft of the Dpcm November 3

Red areas, orange areas, green areas: the five candidate regions for closure

Today the list of the highest risk regions will be announced, which should be Piedmont, Lombardy and Calabria in addition to the province of Bolzano. In the orange zone there should be Campania, Puglia, Veneto, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta. But precisely on the data, or on the figures that should be incontrovertible, meanwhile a controversy has been unleashed because the presidents of the Region will have to sign (and consequently face) the measures. Therefore, yesterday the governors wrote a letter to Conte in which they express their concern about the passages of the Dpcm that “undermine the role and tasks of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, placing any choice and decision above the government” and they want “a contradiction for the” data examination “together with the regional department technicians.

Before the signing of the Dpcm by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza sent a response to the regions in which it is specified that “the involvement of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces is widely guaranteed by the direct participation of the same within the Control Room, as well as the procedural iter constructed that contemplates the adoption, by the Minister of Health, of the respective ordinances, after consultation with the Presidents of the interested regions. ”Quick refreshments are also promised:” As for economic measures and refreshments for economic activities subject to restrictions, it is assured that this week the Council of Ministers will approve a specific decree-law, which will provide for the timely disbursement of resources. “

La Stampa explains today what changes with smart work, which is carried out at the highest possible level, both in the public administration and in the private sector, and differentiated accesses.

In particular, public administrations (except health personnel and those involved in the emergency) must guarantee “the highest possible percentages of agile work, compatible with the organizational potential and with the quality and effectiveness of the service provided”.

It will be the responsibility of each manager to ensure the highest level of smart work. The draft Dpcm also contains the “strong recommendation” for private employers to use agile work mode. The factories remain operational.

A novelty that was not contained in the drafts circulated yesterday afternoon is the mask at school: in all regions where sixth grade children and primary school children, kindergartens and kindergartens will continue to attend in presence , they will also have to wear a mask on the desk. (applies to all regions). Based on this data, Repubblica writes today, the candidate regions for closure could reach five: Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Valle d’Aosta and Alto Adige. The newspaper adds today that Campania could also fall into this circle, at risk for the Naples-Caserta metropolitan area.

Puglia and Sicily will probably be included in the intermediate range, which nevertheless foresees the strong blocking of bars and restaurants. The same goes for Liguria. Surprisingly, Emilia-Romagna is also dancing on the wire, as well as Veneto: it has not yet been determined whether they will be orange or green.

“The basic principle is to reduce the chances of exposure where the circulation of the virus is the most out of control. That is why the division between areas of higher risk and more moderate risk ”, said yesterday the Vice Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, to ‘Di Martedì’, speaking of the orientation of the new Dpcm. “I want to emphasize – he specified – that this is not, not even in the red zones, a confinement that can be superimposed on the first one lived in March, because some activities will continue. Attention: these are measures that we will try to make as temporary as possible, compatible with the advance of the virus. And for this reason, the weekly report will allow us to adapt and modify these restrictions. Just as it is possible that in some red areas it is possible to find areas where there may be greater freedom. So there will be flexibility in the territory. ”

Il Fatto Quotidiano announces that with regard to self-certification (at night and also during the day according to the Regions, to justify the trip only for reasons of work, health or absolute necessity), the Ministry of the Interior suggests that you fill it in home, put it in your pocket, purse or wallet and then sign it.

Obviously nobody imagines enclosing the “red” areas with the carabinieri or even the Army soldiers as if it were Codogno (Lodi) or Vo’Euganeo (Padua) last February. There will be checkpoints, but “the controls can only be random,” they explain to the Interior Ministry.

The modalities, as soon as the provisions are issued, will establish a circular from the chief of staff, Prefect Bruno Frattasi, in agreement with Minister Luciana Lamorgese. Later, Police Chief Franco Gabrielli will translate them into operational instructions for the police headquarters.

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