
A 91-year-old man in Massa offered his dose of Vaccine for COVID-19 to a mother with a disabled son named Mattia. A woman who has to protect herself to protect her child. “Vaccinate her first – said the 91-year-old woman – She is a mother with a disabled child, she really cannot get sick and cannot afford to bring the virus home. I am 91 years old … ». In fact, the woman explained that despite the fact that her son, who is 22 years old and suffering from a serious disability, He was called by the Anffass center he attends in Massa To get vaccinated, they decided to reject him because “vaccination could be dangerous” for the young man. The elderly man has an appointment with his GP for vaccination on Thursday and would like to leave his position postponing his vaccination shift for another time.

So the old man has an appointment with the family doctor to get vaccinated next Thursday and would like to leave his post by postponing his turn to get vaccinated for another time. However, it remains to be understood if the gesture of generosity can exceed the protocols, in short, it is not clear. if it will be approved by the health authority.

In detail, the woman explained that although her son, 22 years old and severely disabled, was called by the Anffass center she attends in Massa to get vaccinated, they decided to “decline the invitation” because “the vaccination could be.” dangerous “considering the condition of the child. Hence the proposal to vaccinate them, the parents, to protect the disabled child, which should be the right of all families facing disability at home.” In a scenario like this the vaccine for us parents who take care of it could be a solution to our fears And like us, other families also experience the same anxiety that we do. Mattia lives in a bubble protected from any possible contagion, ”explained Mattia’s mother in an emotional appeal.
