“The final slap has come …” Who has forgotten the government


The restrictions decided yesterday by the government to contain the spread of COVID-19 They represent a new, very hard blow for the tourism sector, which was already poorly protected during the health emergency. This is a blow that will cause serious damage to the entire Italian economic system and not only to the businessmen who until now had been able to withstand the effects of the crisis. Of this you are sure Bernabò Bocca, President of Federalberghi, who explained the result of the monitoring carried out by the federation’s study center before the end of the year holidays and launched strong lunges against the Conte executive for the fiscal measures that will harm the sector.

“The containment measures launched yesterday by the Council of Ministers are the umpteenth blow to the head of business. In 10-14 days from Christmas to Epiphany, Italians will have to stay at home, while in the other 4 in any case it will be forbidden to leave your municipality “, Bocca remembered who explained how all this is “a sensational mockery for those entrepreneurs who had gone out of their way to support the Hotels open despite the prohibition of moving from one region to another, the elevators stopped, the spas closed, the obligation to dine in the room and a thousand more abstruse rules ”.

Not just restrictions. Because the “oversights” of the government also harm the entrepreneurs. “The final slap- Bocca emphasized- comes from decree which allocates 650 million euros to protect, as is fair, bars and restaurants, but completely forgets the hotels, which have suffered even greater damage ”. The president of Federalberghi warned that the reaction provoked by the decisions of the executive will affect the entire economy and “It will be strong.” The numbers are clear. Bocca recalled that in a normal year, between Christmas and Epiphany they would have embarked on a journey more than 18 million Italians, activating a turnover of about 13 billion euros, which affects all components of the party: not only hotels, but also transport, entertainment and food.

In the note, Bocca himself explained that “Unfortunately, it rains in the wet: after the emergency shutdown total in the spring and worst summer ever, during which the state registered a 39.1% drop in billing for accommodation services, the situation worsened even more, along with the tightening of restrictive measures “. The decrease in the number of tourists registered by the Federalberghi study center was 60.9% in October. Worse still in November when it registered -80.9%. And the preliminary balance for the month of December does not leave much room for hope.

“We will be lucky if there will be 10% admissions in 2019”, Bocca pointed again, denouncing the “loneliness in which we find ourselves operating”. For the president of Federalberghi i refreshment decrees, the Budget law and the Recovery plan, “Three instruments of strategic importance that have occupied the political agenda in recent days, do not devote to our sector the attention that is due them due to the weight they exert within the national economy and the serious damage suffered by the pandemic.”
