the figures, region by region – Libero Quotidiano


Pfizer will distribute in Italy 1 million and 834 thousand doses of the anti-Covid vaccine as soon as the green light from the EMA arrives and therefore it will be possible to introduce the serum also on the European market. The commissioner’s office Domenico Arcuri announced how the first doses will be divided between the Regions: the largest amount will be for Lombardy (304,955), followed by Emilia Romagna (183,138), Lazio (179,818), Piedmont (170,995), Veneto (164,278), Campania (135,890), Sicily (129,047), Tuscany (116,240), Apulia (94,526) Liguria (60,142), Calabria (53,131), Friuli VG (50,094), Marche (37,872), Sardinia (33,801), PA Bolzano (27,521), Abruzzo (25,480), Basilicata (19,455), PA Trento (18,659), Umbria (16,308), Molise (9,294), Valle d’Aosta (3,334).

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The second supply guaranteed by Pfizer will instead be 2 million and 508 thousand vaccinesi, which will allow the administration of the second dose to the priority categories as well as the first to the most fragile population. Meanwhile, Arcuri has announced that, already before the end of the year, the European Vaccine Day, where the first citizens of Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Holland, Spain and Switzerland will be vaccinated on the same day. The agreement was reached by the Ministers of Health, the green light of the EMA is expected, scheduled in the session of December 21. In the coming days – specified Arcuri- instead, the first mass vaccination session will be launched, aimed at the categories that the government and Parliament have established as priorities: health and social-health workers, personnel working in hospitals, public and private , guests and staff of homes for the elderly ”.
