
Class coordination is one of the additional tasks for the more complex and articulate teachers. It is not codified either at the legislative or contractual level, so there is no official job description: its activities are adapted to the organizational needs of the Institute.
As mentioned, there is no official job description. Based on an analysis by the CCNL, the coordination activities of the individual councils would be the responsibility of the school director who, for obvious reasons, delegates these activities to a teacher from the class council.
The first fundamental distinction is:
1. Coordination merged with the activity of secretary;
2. separately designated coordinator and secretary.
In the first case, it should be noted that, in the absence of the director, the chair is assumed by the coordinator who, however, must designate a secretary for the minutes, since two separate signatures are required in the minutes.
Until a decade ago it was very common to see the two separate assignments both to divide the workload and to create a double check activity.
After the significant reduction of the FIS in 2011, the number of schools combining the two tasks has increased, probably to optimize the fund, reduce layoffs and not assign ridiculous fees to secretaries.
Regarding coordination, macro-activities common to almost all institutions can be identified.
In particular, the class coordinator:
- takes care of the writing of the didactic plan of the class;
- keeps DS and colleagues regularly informed about earnings and behavior and informs them of the most significant events of the class, reporting any problems that have arisen;
- it is the point of reference for the class council, the students and their families;
- periodically verifies student absences, paying due attention to cases of irregular attendance and inadequate performance;
- chairs the meetings of the CoC, in the absence of the DS;
- coordinates the activities of the Classroom Council for the assessment and preparation of documentation and flexibility measures and personalized or individualized didactic interventions in the case of situations of disability, specific learning disorders (SLD) or attributable to the more general case of special education needs ( BES);
- complete the class schedule;
- attends the meetings of the Working Group for the Disabled (in the case of classes where there are students with disabilities).
Depending on the organizational needs of the individual institutes, other tasks can also be added: for example, in some schools the sending of intermediate earnings letters (so-called Pagellini) are sent to families by the secretariat, in others by the coordinator. Another example: in some schools the tutoring of students from professional institutes is entrusted to the coordinator, in others one or more teachers are appointed to this.
The coordinating job description should be included in the PTOF and therefore follow the relative adoption procedure.
As it is an additional assignment, compensation is provided through the FMOF (formerly FIS) and it is contracted. Unfortunately, with the downsizing in 2011, the fund has shrunk considerably and therefore the remuneration has been converted to a lump sum. Some Institutes articulate the remuneration class by class based on certain parameters (number of PDPs to be processed, any document from May 15 in the final classes of second grade of secondary school, initial classes, articulated classes, particular social problems, etc …) On the other hand, other Institutes grant equal compensation to all.
How to make the appointment
The appointment must be made in writing, or by communication in the collegiate office, or even through a service circular with the individual appointment. In addition, the appointments must also contain a detailed description of the position and a compensation forecast.
Can we refuse?
As it is a non-mandatory assignment, it is possible not to accept it. If it is preferable to do so immediately orally in the event of prior notice from the DS or after communication of the appointment, by means of a letter of formal non-acceptance of the assignment. Resignations are expected during the school year, but only for objective reasons.
Coordination in a period of health emergency
During the confinement, many institutes formalized their reorganization to deal with distance learning: the centrality of the class council and, consequently, also that of the coordinator was further emphasized.
In an institute in Puglia, for example, the DS already issued a circular at the end of March entrusting the coordinator with the organization of distance learning activities:
- contact the teachers and students of your class to create the virtual class;
- Establish a calendar of activities among the different disciplines in order to distribute them in an orderly manner throughout the day and week (for this, the weekly lesson schedule can be used as a reference) and thus maintain the daily rhythms of the lives of the students. students;
- identify a unique platform for each class council so as not to confuse students;
- agree on forms of verification / control of the activities carried out by the students, favoring the educational value of the verifications with respect to the evaluation that can be reserved for a later time.
One can imagine that managers throughout Italy will formalize similar measures and hopefully share them with school staff.
It can also be assumed that the coordinator will be assigned the task of managing the relationship with the COVID contact person to inform them about possible cases of contagion between teachers and students in the class.