After what happened with Mihajlovic, we cannot believe that the team was influenced by Gattuso’s health problems

Again, punctual as the ChristmasFor each Napoli’s non-victory, the alleged “ball competent” of ours do not know how to point the responsibility of Napoli’s umpteenth negative performance to the “module” and, in this case, to the much-maligned midfield with only two centrals.
Luckily the dinner of Christmas is, by tradition, based on fish since, in Naples, there are not a few people who need a strong phosphorus treatment, since many forget (or perhaps pretend to forget) that Gattuso’s Napoli delivered those few outstanding performances just as they were playing with the two central midfielders: second half in Parma and home game with Genoa (Fabian Ruiz and Zielinski), Atalanta (Bakayoko and Fabian Ruiz), second half with Sampdoria (Demme and Zielienski) and last 30 ‘with Inter (Demme and Fabian Ruiz).
On the contrary, when Gattuso lined up the three central midfielders, in addition to the four Italian Cup games with Lazio, Inter and Juve, played “Italians” (defense and counterattack), Napoli almost never shone: see abulic first half and soporific in Parma, the defeats of the last championship in Bergamo with Atalanta, in Milan with Inter, in Parma and at home with Lecce, the draw in Bologna, the victories suffered by Cagliari and Brescia and those at home with Udinese and Sassuolo.
However, despite these clear and unambiguous numbers, in Naples many still think that everything depends on the form and / or position on the field of this or that player, when Gattuso himself spoke clearly of physical and mental fatigue and the team. who suffered from his illness.
In this regard, however, it is appropriate to make an observation: in recent months we have had more than one coach affected by Sars-CoV-2 and, as such, he could not follow his team live, we even had a Coach who became ill of leukemia and that he had to spend months in isolation in the hospital but, despite this, we have seen their respective teams give 110% on the field of play for their coaches. In Naples, on the other hand, poor people are so sensitive that they are “depressed” and have been negatively affected by Gattuso’s health problems. If so, this is just the umpteenth test of a mentally weak and unreliable group, which allows itself to be conditioned by events and, therefore, cannot play in a first-rate team.
Apart from forms and positions in the field.