“The failure of a country” – Libero Quotidiano


They lock us up, but “in the German way.” As follows stop at the last dpcm here the in-depth analysis of all the measures on the table and the reasons for the friction between the government and the regions -, concrete advances come from the Undersecretariat of Health, Sandra Zampa, intervened in Radio too on Rai Radio 1. The new dpcm, he assured, “will arrive in the next few hours.” Then he added that the attempt is not to paralyze the country: not a rigid confinement. “but a light lock similar to the German modelLa Zampa added that “it is quite complicated to try to make a confection by zones, it is an enormous effort that we are making. The attempt is not to paralyze the country, I want it to be clear ”.

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Understand, in Germany Museums, gyms, restaurants, bars, pubs, game rooms, theaters, beauty centers and other businesses are closed, while places of worship, schools and kindergartens remain open. Amateur sports are suspended while the stores remain open as long as they only receive one customer for every ten square meters, and without being able to form waiting lines outside them. Travel is allowed for business purposes only, while outdoors you can meet people from a maximum of two residential units and no more than ten. We will see which of these ideas will be applied in Italy by the Conte government.

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Meanwhile, the executive has called a new emergency meeting with the Regions: the issue, in fact, is the new dpcm. The hope is to sign it today. In this context, the voice of Matteo salvini, who at a press conference at Palazzo Madama pointed to the hypothesis of a new blockade: “A possible total closure would be the failure not only of the government, but also of the Italian social, cultural and economic model, which has nothing” be envied by anyone. It would be the end and anyone should work to avoid it ”, cut the leader of the League.
