The eternal Berlusconi: take the amendment and flee


For lovers of the art of simulation and dissimulation or, more prosaically, the game of “cat and mouse”, we recommend reading the statement with which Silvio Berlusconi, after his “pro-government” week, returns to the opposition, in the most beautiful day: “On December 9 we will not support the reform of the ESM in Parliament.” And so the majority (and the government) dance because, as is known, there is a group of fanatics among the Five stars who are ideologically opposed to everything called Month.

The Prime Minister will say, as his Minister of Economy anticipated, that one thing is the vote on the reform of the MEDE, one thing is the use of the health credit line and that we will see about that, it will be postponed, as has been done until now, because it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way, as a flood of payback money is coming, in short, what we’ve been hearing for eight months. And, to avoid the parliamentary incident, you will need some “responsible”, someone available, from Mrs. Mastella, from a senator who, for the moment, has an urgent need (the bathrooms have always been crammed with risky voting), from someone in crisis of conscience that discovers the good of the country, “suffers” and then “offers itself”. No more than seven eight people will emerge unscathed from a complicated vote that reveals the too banal. And is that the political knots, if you do not dissolve them, they become complicated to the point of representing a danger.

But even before the abacus, however, there is the movement of the good gentleman with the accompanying amazement of those who, after 25 years of the same scheme, are still amazed (which also explains the political longevity). By reading the statements of the day, you could immediately come up with an easy explanation. Salvini threatens the end of the alliance in the event that someone votes in favor of the Month, albeit with some vigor, thus fearing the first reprisal after the vote suffered last week on the Covid decree and this time Berlusconi folds, according to the well-known law of gravity. according to which the 6 percent (the consensus of Forza Italia) does not attract the 40 (the consensus of Salvini and Meloni), but the opposite is true. Those who know the man, however, also know that he only retires when he wants to, otherwise there are no saints who can endure (as happened last week), in fact in the dynamics a mutual challenge could also be read, with the leader of the League looking for a cold respite and the other that does not serve it on a silver platter.

Thinking bad makes you sin, but sometimes you are right. It may be a coincidence, but compared to last week when it seemed that Forza Italia was in the majority (remember the person in charge of Chapeau al Cavaliere?) Nothing has changed, politically speaking, but meanwhile the “save-Mediaset” has been approved definitely by Parliament ”, which allows him to face Vivendì from a position of strength thanks to an ad hoc regulation. And if, while it was being debated in the Chambers, he assumed the role of collaborator, now he has more freedom to play with the government’s contradictions and rebuild the center-right unit on the eve of the elections. It’s only been 25 years since then, concave and convex, moderate or extreme, depending on the convenience of the moment. He got paid, he waited for the Eurogroup, then, also motivating the decision with reasonable content, he said to vote for it yourself. And the beauty that there will also be thanks if you authorize someone to go to the bathroom at the time of the vote.
