
L ‘epidemic from COVID-19 it will last about a year and a half. Say you are the president of the ISS Silvio Brusaferro during a forum organized by Ansa. The one caused by the pandemic “is a stress that has not been punctual, such as an earthquake or a flood, it is a stress that lasts more than a year and will accompany us for about a year and a half, and we are implementing adaptation strategies that will leave their footprint in the future, some probably permanently ”.

“What we have learned – explained Brusaferro – is that prevention is the crucial moment of the system: once this concept was further declined as a vision but no specific investments were made, today it is very clear that the concept of prevention is fundamental, if We do not invest at this level, the risk is high. Prevention has the advantage of preventing certain scenarios from occurring a priori, it has the disadvantage that when it works very well it is not seen, and this is a critical element that has always characterized it. Today this is perceived by all, since it is perceived that investing in health and well-being is a way to guarantee the wealth of our countries and our communities.
The health of the future, Brusaferro explained, will see technologies and social relationships together. “We know that we can live well even with disabilities or when we get older thanks to a set of technologies and relationships that help us regain that margin of self-sufficiency that we lose. The health of the future will see us immersed in a series of relationships and technologies that will accompany us where we lose self-sufficiency, therefore strongly anchored to a technology that helps us make decisions but also to a strong interaction with people. The challenge is to give the possibility of this health care to be enjoyed throughout the country in a uniform way, if we can guarantee that it will be a great evolution of the national health system that even today allows us to have a more advanced average age but has margins of improvement in the half-life without disability. In this sense, I believe that the opportunity of the recovery fund is also a great opportunity that we must take advantage of.
Brusaferro: from the epidemic driven to technology
Since the Covid-19 pandemic there is a strong push for technology, which nevertheless must be put into the system, continued the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss). “This pandemic is a stress test that has highlighted the criticalities of our systems, national and international, and our ability to react. I believe that the message that we are strongly evaluating, both in the aspects of artificial intelligence and in the management of information systems, is the great capacity, which occurred in a very short time, to migrate, to take communication systems off the ground. remote. in many areas and make them almost a practice in many situations. Obviously this is a very important element and it also deserves an in-depth study of the impacts, from telework to distance education.
“Along with this there are a series of experiments that are being carried out more locally related to telemedicine or other monitoring to guarantee assistance. The point is to bring all these experiences to a system, it is the challenge that awaits us, I am afraid that the fact that the epidemic continues and continues for months gives us the great opportunity to greatly promote this evolution ”.
According to Brusaferro, the impact must be studied from a ‘socio-technical’ point of view. “When we introduce new technologies it is not really a technological problem, we also change the way we relate and think. An important reflection is to think about them from a sociotechnical point of view, in which technology is combined with social and behavioral changes. Thanks to these tools we can improve health and well-being, but these two elements are extremely important to each other.
Last updated: 17:24